
My duck has an injured leg!?

by  |  earlier

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i have four pekin ducks and today some canada geese visited our pond. i don't now hat really happened, we could just hear my ducks quaking along with the geese honking. when i went out to check on them, one of my ducks was limping. she'll walk, but when she stands, she just tries to keep her wait off of it. there is no blood, and the leg isn't swollen. what could be wrong with her and how can i help her? i'm not sure if the leg is broken, but it doesn't look like it. none of my ducks will let me within 2 feet, so i can't really check the leg with more trama to the bird. what should i do?




  1. She could have sprained it. From getting in a fight with the geese. If it doesnt get better, there can be problems. If she does have a fracture, if it heals she can heal wrong and not get better but worse.

    If your parents dont let them take the duck to the vet thats cruel. How can they do that. If you were hurt, would they take you to the hospitol? Well thats the same, a duck is a living creature like you.

  2. I would watch her for a day or two and see how she does. May just be sprain or sore. If not better I would take her to vet to see if she has something stuck in foot, or a fracture of some type. Geese can be very nasty sometimes and very territorial and may have went after her. Better safe than sorry I would take to vet. may want to separate her from others and keep her warm and quite.

  3. You could keep her restrained and away from the other ducks to prevent the duck from having to strain themselves. Ducks are pretty tough but you should take it to the vet if you want it to live a long happy life.

    You could also make a sprint for it by using hard cardboard and medical tape to keep it in place

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