
My dumb english teacher hits me all the time. he thinks hes the boss of everyone. yet eveyone hates him (help)

by  |  earlier

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where i live, in school teachers are allowed to hit kids (those *******) please if anyone can help. HELP!!!!!!!!! and his nickname is mario because he looks just like mario.




  1. U cant be from the USA because school teachers are not allowed to do that. There honestly is no reason for that.

  2. Where do you live I want to tranfer schools for my kids.

  3. Sorry buddy, but NO ONE is allowed to hit you IN SCHOOL. The one thing you could do is HOT LINE them, HOWEVER, if you make a false report, you will be in deeper trouble. Its your call, but, I'd think really hard before I'd do it.

  4. Here, no teacher would be allowed to hit a child, but if you are in a country where this is permitted, then your best defense is to behave and focus on your work.  Even if you don't like him, remember that a teacher IS the boss of you.  You can't retaliate in any way without making matters worse.  Don't do anything to provoke his anger, and it should subside, if not go away altogether.

  5. I think u r a Muslim, being a Muslim u should believe that if ur teacher hits u for ur reason then it is fine, but if he hits u without any study reasons, then it is not good, by the way, HAZRAT ALI SAID< WHO TAUGHT ME ONE WORD IS MY MASTER>, so what u think, a master cannot hit u without reason??  He can, so if he is ur teacher, so tolerate his hittingh as he is ur MASTER!!!

  6. So if he is allowed to hit you, are you allowed to hit him?

  7. report them to the police and try to have bruises or something that will make your report so real try it very big..haha...or if you dont like try to move to another school..i've never heard a school  that is allowed to hurt students...make him feel so unfortunate!!!

  8. kick his a$$

  9. I don't know what "country" you are in, but the USA doesn't tolerate the actions you describe.  Regardless of good, bad, or in between grades, there is no reason for striking a student, period.  If you live in a place that "allows" teachers to abuse students, MOVE.

  10. This is something your parents must address and the only way you can prove it is to secretly record it. Then send it to the media (even post it to UTube. If the truth is out there someone will stop this person.

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