
My dwarf African frog is burying herself, is she laying eggs?

by Guest45120  |  earlier

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The other frog has been nipping at her and jumping on her back. She was fatter now she is skinny? Should I not clean the tank and will the guppies eat the tadpoles?




  1. it is possible she is laying eggs or she wants privacy i more think she is laying eggs

  2. She probably is not laying eggs. I researched this a lot when I thought my frog was pregnant. The male and female have to be connected the entire time. She would lay eggs on the top of the rocks or the top of the water, not underneath the rocks. The process would take about an hour or so to complete, so it would be easy enough to spot.  If you have eggs, it would most likely be apparent.

    If you *do* see eggs, I would isolate them immediately. The parents might eat them, and guppies probably would too.

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