
My dwarf hamster's eyes are open and she's not moving..Is she dead?

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Usually when smaller animals breathe, their stomachs will bop up and down and I see that when my hamster sleeps. But..this time round she is laying there motionless and have ants crawling to her. Her eyes are open. I live in a tropical climate region and I don't think it's hibernating. I switched on my air-conditioner last night at 21degree Celcius. Hibernating occurs at 14C at most right? Right now I need to know whether she's dead or alive so I can do the right thing to it.




  1. hold her. if shes all stiff, shes dead, feel for a heartbeat.... im sorry=[

  2. u don't have to waste 5 points just touch he hammie. sorry is it's dead. u can always get a new one

  3. Probably, But try and get a reaction out of her, Poke her with something soft and hope for the best,

    But she is most likely Dead.

    Sorry ,

  4. If ants are crawling on her she is probably dead. Touch her to see if she moves, if not shes dead.

    Good Luck

  5. I'm pretty sure its dead it also depends on how long its been sitting their. If its not dead then it has some serious problem. Yeah I would suggest picking it up, and if its stiff its dead. They have very short lifespans. Their lifespans are even shorter if you got it from a pet store like pet co or pet smart. When I used to have hamsters I got them from their, and I had them for as long as 2 weeks to 2 years. It depends on how lucky you are. Again by the sounds of it sorry but I think its dead

  6. Can you try moving her to see if she reacts?  I think she'll forgive you if you're waking her, but you should probably at least make physical contact to make sure she's dead.  The ants are a bad sign, as are the open eyes and the immobility.  Just make sure, though.

    Edit:  You've obviously waited a half hour for your hamster to move.  If she hasn't in that time, the odds aren't good, but it'd be nice if you could touch her and check for signs of life.

  7. Not trying to be mean, but are you serious? Get a glove, pick it up. If it's stiff and doesn't move then you'll have your answer. Remember hampsters don't have a very long life span. Good luck, and by the sounds of it sorry for your loss.

  8. She sounds dead. Blow some air on her eyes. If she doesn't blink, she's dead.

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