
My dwarf hamster has a huge 2 centimeter bubble on her chest it doesn't seem to be getting any better just...?

by Guest57289  |  earlier

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getting worse please help!!!!!! i love her sooo much!!!!!!!!!!

its getting bad and its big and red. I dont see her scratching it but i dont know what it is please help!!




  1. really I'm so sorry about that it might be a tumur or cancer or even a really bad infection

  2. It's difficult to tell what it could be from that description, but if it's weeping or open/bleeding in any way then it could be an infected scratch or wound. If the area is as it should be apart from being inflamed then it will probably be a tumour, which is indicative of cancer. Wee animals such as hamsters, rats etc are prone to tumours and so that's more likely to be the problem. It's a terrible situation, as you don't know it's there until it rears its ugly head in the guise of a 'bubble'. Take your hamster to the vet immediately, for the poor animal's sake. Given the size of a dwarf hamster and the reported size of the bump, the little thing will be experiencing some level of discomfort. It's the humane thing to have her put to sleep, as there is nothing that can be done.

  3. I'm so sorry but your hammie may have a cyst or a tumor. My hammie has had one for a month (on her lower back leg) and she doesn't show she is hurting. I've searched websites and get the general consensus that you can take her to the vet but chances of her surviving surgery are slim because small animals do not react well to anesthesia. They recommend you make her as comfortable as possible. Love her while she's here!

  4. This happened to my dear hammy, Dia. I'm very sorry, but your hamster isn't going to make it. :(

    R.I.P. Your Dear Hamster

  5. It may be a tumor or an infected poke/scratch.

  6. She might have a tumor, but Idk I am not a vet, but I HIGHLY recommend that you go to one, because she might be losing her life, trust me, you would want to go to one because I regret taking my dying hamster to the vet (I called a vet to see what's going on and they said she was dying, so they said I had to let go of her. I found out later she was in a stroke or something, something that happens frequently to older hamsters, she was 2 years and 3 months old)

  7. I think it is a tumor, normally you should take her to the vet it will probally cost over 50$ depending on if your vet does small animals for free or if she/he charges, She can al;so have cancer but if i were you i would check out the vet (sorry about your hammie)


  8. well I'm sorry but i think that it is a tumor and a tumor is like cancer to hammie's there is nothing that u can do not even vets can fix this problem sorry

  9. I had a friend who had two albino rats, and one of them had a tumor. i am really sorry, but it is just like you are describing.  if you can, take your hamster to the vet so that you can learn the best care for your hamster.  The albino rat still lived very long, although the tumor was huge. hamsters don't live that long as it is, but if the tumor recently started there may be things that can stall it.

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