
My ears won't stop ringing?

by  |  earlier

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Both of my ears constantly ring, almost a roar. This started 3 weeks ago. It is truly unbearable. I have been to the family doctor, ears nose & throat, AND a nerologist. I have wax build up removed. Made it worse. I cannot believe I just have to learn to live with this. They say I have to live with it, and they don't know what is wrong. I cannot afford to go to several doctors. I need help fast. Anyone have an ideas! Home remedies even?I cannot go on much more like this!




  1. The ringing in your ears is called tinnitus. It is caused by exposure to loud sounds. It can also be worsened by stress, by medications,by infection, and by attempting to listen to multiple levels of sound at the same time.  

    The best home remedy is to first give your ears a break. Turn down the sound on TV and radio a notch or 2 below where you usually it. Cover your ears when you pass loud street sounds (jackhammers, etc). Never use head phones to listen to music.

    It also seems to help some people to take fish oil pills.

  2. I think you may have tinnitus. These are some of the things you can do to alleviate it.

    Some of the most helpful include antianxiety or antidepressant medication and sometimes maskers—small devices like hearing aids that help to block out the sound of the tinnitus with "white noise."

    For people who are bothered by tinnitus only when trying to sleep, the sound of a fan, radio, or white noise machine is usually all that is required to relieve the problem.

    Most people with tinnitus find that their symptoms are worse when under stress, so relaxation techniques can be helpful.

    Avoiding caffeine is advised, as it may worsen symptoms.

    Avoid aspirin or aspirin products in large quantities

    Hearing loss worsens the effect of tinnitus, so protection of hearing and avoiding loud noises is very important in preventing worsening of the symptoms.

    Read the rest of the article if you want.

  3. I have a constant high pitched whine in my ears (VERY loud in my right) as a result of Bacterial Spinal Meningitis 2 years ago. The Doc said if it didn't clear up in about 6 mos., it probably never would. Two years later it is just as loud. Something to look forward to for the next 30-40 years.

    I notice that is gets louder when I am tired.

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