
My eldest daughter does not work her fella finished with

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her and she told a friend she was going to commit sucuide and I dont understand why she does not work or go on a training scheme surely sitting around will make her depressed and i think she needs to be more independant, what can i do she is always depressed and that




  1. Sometimes, involving oneself into helping reducing other peoples sorrow, helps to overcome depression. I am talking about social developement type works. You can advice her to get herself engaged in valuntary social services. Like she can help in the local orphanage or she can perticipate in nature preservation works. When she will see some people are in worse situation then her, she will start feeling better.

  2. She does need to be independent and self-reliant – but at the moment she seems incapable of any of it. Her mental health is on a downslide. She may look fine physically on the surface, but there are the effects of severe stress within. Her self-esteem’s rock bottom, she’s emotionally shattered – may even hate herself, so suicide seems the way out or depression.  

    You need to first provide the protective concern of a mother, to reach out with unconditional love for her to deal with the unsettled emotions. Perhaps professional help is also necessary. When she is able to come to grips with her situation as a person, she’ll probably be more receptive to your sensible advice of training schemes, etc, to get back on her feet.

  3. You need to get her into seeing a doctor today! Her not working is the least of the problems. Make sure you give her all the emotional support in the world. It may take up to 3 weeks before she starts to feel better once she is on medication. Give her some time to get her head together and do not pressure she to get a J.O.B. until she is capable.  

  4. If your daughter is an adult there is not a lot you can do other than to be there for her.

    If she is underage then you might consider medical support.

    Best wishes. UK

  5. Pressure is absolutely something that no one should be giving your daughter.  Seek professional help.

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