
My electrical house breaker 20 amps trip after 1 minute and pulling 30 amps even I disconnected all outlets .

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All lights and outlet are disconnested




  1. Oops!

    You have a short- a nasty one. Pull the master breaker to the off position and get a qualified electrician fast!

    Good luck!

  2. You need to check the wiring.  If you can trace the circuit, follow the path and check each outlet with a multimeter.  Be careful you don't shock yourself.

  3. If you have done nothing different,,,,something has changed.

    Many circuits may have more electrical items on them, than just the lights and "outlets".  

    If you are sure nothing else is on the circuit,,,,, you may have a loose connection at a switch or "outlet", or a bad connection in a junction box.  When the connections get loose, they arc and can short or pull more power.

    I know this sounds stupid, but don't just turn off anything plugged in,,,, unplug it.  A lamp or applicance could have an internal problem, and be completing the circuit through ground.  (Ground Fault),,,,

    For the last Zebra to chase,,,,,, have you hung any pictures, where the nail for the hanger could have pierced the wire.  

    If you are not comfortable with electrical work,,,,ELELCTRICIAN is the best bet.  

    How do you know it is pulling 30AMPS through the circuit,,,,,, are you using a meter?  

    Be careful,,,,

  4. So you must have a amp probe to know it is over amping, go to the breaker that has the problem and shut off the breaker and remove the wire from the breaker and OHM the wire to ground or nuetral and of course you should be open. Until you stop getting a reading the problem is not resolved and will take some looking around to find. Yes the white and black wires could have melted together somewhere! I do nt think you have a short because that would trip that breaker fast not one minute. The flow of electrons in a short are uncontroled and the breaker trips really fast and you will hear noise in the wiring to!  

  5. call your power company the problem could be on there end and nothing you can do very dangerous situation if it on there end can fry everything in your house.  

  6. You have a short in the line somewhere.

  7. you need to express your problem more clearly with more detail it sounds garbulled and  how would you know you are pulling 30 amp on a 20 amp circuit ? do you have a amp meter on it?? why did it trip was you plugging something into it? Was it a new wiring job ?did it work ok in the past?

  8. Your pulling 30 amps off a 20 amp breaker dummy!!

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