
My email might have gotten hacked?

by  |  earlier

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WHAT DO I DO?! sorry, i know it's in the beauty and fashion category but it's urrrgenttt! it's not the email that i'm on right now (i'm on my mom's email), it's my other one. i tried to log into it on 4 different computers but it won't work, i KNOW i'm entering in the right password and yahoo ID. i tried to verify my identity but it said "Sorry, your password can't be reset online". now i can't log onto Y!A or check my email because it won't log in. Is there any way to contact them by calling? HELP?! thank you so so so so much, i'm freaking out over here!

sorry, i know i asked this 2 times already but im in desperate neeeed!




  1. Hey there ...

    all i want u to know that you are not the first and not the last one who lost his Email,,

    this is happen to me to 4 weeks ago

    there is a way to restore your mail and i'm sure the u know it but u can't use it

    it's the questions that u asked and answer it when u make your email

    if u can't remember them ,,, well ,,, i don't think u can get your Email back

    and even if u send a message for Yahoo! ,, they well never give u your Email back (because if every one told them he have a email and some one take it from him and he want the password)

    that well make a lots of problem (u know what i mean)


    u can also try to email your old email (maybe the hacker is give it back to you)


    i hope you get it back

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