
My emails are ever recieved as spam...what may I do?

by Guest65350  |  earlier

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since few months are my emals noticed as spam mails, even if Im totaly sure that I hadnt done anyrhing wrong.

also I had read anywhere that my IP is on any blacklist listed.

that is crazy...on some days are my friends getting my mails as normal mail, and on other days are they recieved as spam...and sometimes they doesnt arrive there.

what may I do to fix this problem?

its a very bad situation for me if a friend is pissed, because he/she thinks I hadnt replyed the mails :(

I hope you can help me

thanks in advance




  1. Make sure your subject header is not something similar to what a spammer may insert there. Filters hit keywords in subject header lines to determine if they are spam or not. Maybe some of the words you are using in your subject header are being marked as spam.

  2. Make sure your e-mail address has been included on your friend's address/contact book. There would have been a temporary problem with the mail server. This results in sometimes, your mail not getting delivered at all. Sometimes only a part of your mail would have been sent to the destination address.

    Nothing to fear. Some temporary problem. I'm sure the Mail Service Provider would correct it in sometime. Hope this helps :-) feel free to mark my answer as the best, if you feel so :-) Happy surfing :-)

  3. They may be blocking the IP of your email company... like alot of GMail, and Go, and alot of other sites are listed as Spam because the filters block the servers. and alot of those are using a shared network so other users on those servers end up being blocked as well. It is because someone else who uses the same network as you got blacklisted for spamming and now all the filters have the server IP-range blocked out.

    The only way is to have the person you are emailing unblock you from you end. It won't block the IP, it will allow your authorized email account. It usually requires verification but that only takes seconds...

  4. The above answers are ALL correct but on another note Yahoo has been working weirdly recently and if you mean your Yahoo account is misbehaving, that may be the reason why. Iv had emails not arrive or arrive hours later, 360s not posting or even Yahoo Messenger messages not arrive! or arrive like literally 4 hrs later when I was talking to the person about something else, just randomly mid convo! lol

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