
My employer Os me 13 weeks+ of wage's can anyone HELP?.?

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My name is James I am hard worker everyone my town nose how hard I work.

The nabours are very happy for all the things that I do and shop keepers keep me going most of the time.

A frend asking me for 2 years to go working with him in starting up stainless steel business.

I'm not grate with reading and righting I never had school exam ever.

I went to work for him at 12 Euro's an hour for 23+ week's.

Me and another lad worked for 8 week's before we seen any money we got 200 each and no more for another 3 week's the other lad left but I carryed on working hopeing it would thing's would turn out all right.

I brought all my tool's that he went and used because he had none of his own I even went and a big van for all the work he had got.

The Big job of 63000 Euro's he landed I see very of.

Please Help me by sending lot's of E-mail's to

about this and money he Os me and the other lad.

Thank You very much.




  1. In Australia we have a place called Department of fair Trading. If need be take him to court, also get  price on the use of your tools because equipment used on the job should be tax deductible. Vehicle tools and maybe clothing. Take your paper work for the van as well with you to court or where ever you end up going God bless you hope it goes great and quick for you. You are in the right,so go get your money legally.

  2. You can take him to court to claim your money. It is called "the small claims court". Ask at your citizens advice centre.

  3. Yes, contact your local labor board.

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