
My employer didn't put me on the schedule.Yet he knows I know the ex employee who's suing him for terminating?

by  |  earlier

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My neighbor is an ex employer who was fired for know reason.Other than she would be in late to work.I believe he thinks I could be in connection with the law suit,but there are over 800 people were I live.Yes it's a big community.It covers 3 blocks about.Can anyone give me some positive feed back.I never called in,the clients named me 1employee.I'm not sure but as an employee I have rights.




  1. First you inquire with your boss why you are not scheduled to work.

    See what the answer is before jumping to conclusions.

    If it has something to do with this lawsuit and you knowing the plaintiff, your boss is in violation of the law.

    It is illegal to retaliate against an employee for this situation.

    It's one thing if they can prove you are aiding the plaintiff in her lawsuit in an attempt to hurt the company. But from what you are saying, that is not the case.

    First step is to get with your boss and try to iron it out. If that doesn't work, then you need to get to the HR department (if they have one) and express your concerns with your HR manager.

    If that doesn't work, get with the head office (again, if they have one) and let them know what's going on.

    If all that fails, then you need to get some legal advise.

    Good luck.

  2. How about finding out first, why you aren't on the schedule?  Could be an honest oversight.  With most   company's, most employees know all the negative stuff, so the ex employees issue are likely public knowledge. It depends on where you live, but some states are "at will" which means you can be fired for any reason, or no reason.  Find out first what the boss has to say, but you may not have as many rights as you think you do.

  3. Coming in late is a decent reason to be fired.

  4. Go and ask him why your not on the schedule.  If he doesn't have a good reason then tell him you are going to get legal advise.

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