
My employer has closed the women's restroom indefinite because of the filth. Can they do that?

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We have mostly women who work at my place of employment. I have nothing against women and the people I work with are a pleasure. Unfortunately, they are very inconsiderate when coming to using our bathroom facilities.

I obviously so not use the bathroom for women. But I have been told that there is urine and sometimes blood and f***s on the toilets and all over the floor. Sometimes used tampons have been found just sitting in the sink. I ofcourse could not believe it so when the janitor is called because it is so bad and they close it, I have to go in to check everytime.

I mean the guys bathroom can get a little nasty once in awhile but never in my life have I seen this kind of filth. Its like complete disregard.

So my employer had a meeting and told them enough was enough. One more time that the bathroom gets dirty with complete and utter disregard, such as f***s on the floor or tampons in the sink.

So Last week they closed the bathroom again. So I am thinking no way. So I go in there after the close it and someone rubbed f***s all over the wall and there was urine on the floor in several places and the trashcans were dumped out.

I was blown away. This is a professional office, no minors or unprofessional people work or visit the office.

So the bosses said they are done and they permanently locked the bathroom and told the women to leave and go somewhere else.

Can they do that?




  1. You're joking. What kind of business is this?

  2. I've seen things in bathrooms before where I've been absolutely perplexed as to how it's happened.

    I'm talking a little more than finger painting, my friend. I've come to the conclusion that there's just some sick people out there who literally like to play with their ****

    Personally, if I were your boss, I'd just say "whoever made the **** painting is fired."

  3. That's disgusting!  Yes, your employer has every right to do that.  Who in their right mind would rub f***s on the wall and put used tampons in the sink?

    Maybe the employer should put up cameras in the woman's bathroom and find the culprit and fire her/them.

  4. Don't know where you live, but it would take only a phone call to the local department of health or union office to have your workplace closed down.

    I am female and have worked in large groups of females and I have never seen or heard anything like this at any workplace, only in stories about migrant ships or refugee camps.

    Does your workplace have a cleaner? Is there a bin for putting tampons in?Is there always toilet paper and towels/hot air dryer? if the answer to these questions is yes, then you must have someone or several someones who want to payback the company or a specific boss.

    Or possibly, someone who wants to get the female workforce in trouble and is setting them up. Is there someone who has been denied a promotion or a job recently?It doesn't have to be a woman!

    If your boss is not careful he may get sued for making it impossible for women to work at this place, which in any civilised country in the world is DISCRIMINATION.

  5. If the employer owns the business than YES, they can close the restroom.  However, this doesn't nothing for the men/woman that "work" in the office...

    I don't use public restrooms unless it's absolutely necessary but, if I had to leave the building and go elsewhere well to me that's considered a "break" and I might just go and grab a latte.  The better thing to do is to "assign" on a rotating scedule someone to check the bathroom(s) every hour or two... and if it's messy tidy up... That will make people more aware of what they are "doing" in the restroom especially if their peers are watching them.   Also, maybe leaving a small trashcan for tampons, pads etc.. may be helpful as well.. Leave a few cleaning supplies in case there's a mishap it can be cleaned up.... So, there's no embarassment!   I worked in a dept. store and BEFORE/AFTER my shift I would wash my hands and I was often grossed out by the conditions of the bathroom!  Woman can be horrible!  

  6. yes they have the right to do that. I work in a factory and we have this problem with our mens bathrooms but they just make someone clean it up. Also in reply to Crazy Horse's post if the company was to put cameras in the restrooms they could be sued for invasion of privacy.. I know I wouldnt want someone watching me go to the bathroom.

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