
My employer has not sent my P60, I have asked, when do they have to give it me and what do I do if they don't?

by  |  earlier

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I as have others request P60 and have not received, Is there anyone I can contact to get this sent to me?




  1. By law, it must be given to you by 31 May. I assume you were employed by this employer at 5 April? Write and ask for it to be sent within 7 days, if not report them to HMRC.

  2. your employer had until the 31st May to send your P60`s to the tax office, we sent ours at the end of May and we always wait a few weeks before giving them out [top copy of the P60] just in case they come back if anything is wrong with them, we do ours by hand. You should have got yours by now, I would ring the tax office to find out whether they have got yours, if it is a small company you might have been paid cash in the hand which is why they haven`t sent any in.

  3. Your employer had to submit these by 19.5.08 with his end of year tax return, or face a fine. He had until 31.5.08 to send them to employees. Write and ask for your P60 by return failing which you should report this to HMRC.

  4. i agree with most people have said  to u but i have been told they dont have to give one as all pay is on your wage slips i was in the same confusion last year the tax office will have details on there records soon

  5. When did you finish working with this employer

  6. The problem is that there isn't a lot tax office can do if employer doesn't give you your form P60. Any action taken will depend on whether employer has sent in his employer's return. If he doesn't, an investigation can be done, and he can get financial penalties, but that doesn't get you your form P60.

    If he has sent in his return, the information it contains takes months to be put on your record. The way tax offices are organised these days, staff in local tax offices don't have access to the actual return, and have to wait for the details to appear through the computer system. Then staff could send you a signed letter on headed notepaper, giving you the pay and tax details.

    The failure of employers to supply documentation is really a civil matter. You could try tax office to see if employer's return has been received, and report the lack of forms P60.

  7. Phone tha tex people there is a date they have to get the P60 done by. Then they get fined tell your firm you have told the tax people this worked for a couple of years ago

  8. Contact the inland revenue, they are the people wo deal with this or contact your companies main office. Most employers should have given this to you by may, your best bet is to ask your human resources department. they should ahve them if they don't ask for the address of the companies main office!

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