About 2 months after working at this restaurant, I was involved in an argument with a male co-worker who had been harssing me from day one in a sexual manor. I am not of that sexual orientation and did not appreciate it. Two days later, the owner of the restaurant called me and informed me that the new schedule had gone up and I was not on it, but not to be upset. I came to work that day and was told that I was being layed off, and would not be needed for 3-4 weeks. I was also told I would recieve a call when work was available. I was the only employee out of 20 or so servers getting "laid off". I was very upset at the sittuation and informed my manager that I wanted the rest of the night off, but to please call me as soon as possible when work was available. I felt punched in the stomach as I have a family to support and was looking no work in the face. I also thought there was a little bit of a coincodence between the argument with the coworker and my being "laid off". This was about 4 months ago and I tried to find work instead of going on UE, but was unsucessful. I still haven't heard a word from my employer, so I recently filed an UE claim. I recieved a phone call fron the New York S tate UE office today. My claim is frozen because the employer said I quit and refuse to pay UE benefits. I have read some things online saying I should get a lawyer, but I don't know what to do. I will have to go to a hearing, but have no Idea if I will win, as it is their word against mine. And all the while I am struggling financialy....If anyone can help or give me some advice I would appreciate it...Thanks!