
My employer (my Mum) frequently comments on my eating habits in front her employees. How can I repair this?

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Note: I am also recovering from Anorexia.




  1. I would snap and say hey shut up and mind your business and  ask if she was crazy i sure she won't bring it up again

  2. Everyone shoud keep their personal business personal!  Take her off to the side and tell her exactly how you feel about it.  If she doesn't understand, get a new job and don't speak to her until she really does understand.

    I'm sure the situation is stressful, and everyone needs to respect each others privacy!  Unfortunately, silence usually makes a larger impact than words.  Hope this helps!  

    Good luck!

  3. Smack you mom.

    Thats you business and your business only and you told her this info in confidence of her disgression. You need to tell her not of advertise your recovery process to the world and keep it to herself.

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