
My employer took the tag off my vehicle w/o telling me only to use it so he wouldnt have to buy a tag aint?

by  |  earlier

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that illegal today he fired me said i showed poor performance in the shop but i was doing all a/c work and car reprogramming. can i take any action




  1. yes it's illegal. That depends on if he gave you your plates back. If not then yes file for stolen tags. About being fired no there is nothing you can do. Any and all employers can fire but they must use cause.. in this case poor performance. However, if he didn't state the cause then you can take it to the better Business Beuro

  2. you should have filed stolen tag charges against him

  3. This is rather hard to understand as written. Do you mean that you got fired from your job after your boss took the license tag off your car so he wouldn't have to pay for one? If is theft and also illegal. Report him to the police.

  4. Call the police and report that he stole your tags.

  5. I'd call the police anyway and tell them what happened. If a crime that can be prosecuted is there, they will help you deal with it.

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