
My employer will only pay one months sick pay?

by Guest32634  |  earlier

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I have been off two months and am leaving the company. Today they told me they will not pay a penny for this month according to my contract. Is this right that they can do this and give me nothing for 4 weeks. I handed in Dr'd sick notes for the 2 month period.




  1. No.

    If they are paying you contractal sick pay and your contract states this continues for more than a month they are in breach of contract. If it is Statutory Sick Pay they must pay this if you qualify, if you don't they must issue you an SSP1 form so that you can claim Incapacity Benefit.

    Contact CAB for support in challenging this.

  2. You signed the contract,



  3. You signed the contract that said they won't pay more than one month sick time.  It is binding, and there is nothing you can do about it.

  4. If you are in the UK then after your contractual sick pay finishes ie after the first month, youre employer should pay statutory sick pay. If he is not going to he has to give you the relevant form to say why, so that you can claim incapacity benefit for the second month. Its called an IB50 I think.

  5. Yes of course they can. their sick pay policy will have been explained in your contract of employment.  Many, in fact probably most, smaller companies will have a 1 month limit per year on sick pay.  You do not 'carry over' sick leave entitlement!  If you are in the UK you would be entitled to claim basic sick benefit from DHSS for the 2nd 4 week period. the company would normally pay you this and claim it back from DHSS.

    If you want really generous sick pay entitlements you need to be some sort of civil Servant!

  6. Unfortunately, if it's in your contract and you signed it they can.

  7. Unfortunately they can if it states so in your contract which you have signed.

  8. how long have you worked there??

  9. Well you signed the contract so not alot that you can, Im guessing you (like most) didnt read the contract from top to bottom! Some companys have it down to the manage that can override the contract and take it own face value if they think your faking it or really are off sick!

    If your faking it, then i hope you dont get paid for it as im sick of working my **** off for people who sit on there back side while i work to feed my family and my mortgage!

    If you are sick for a reason then, Hope you get well soon

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