
My endurance is never building? WHY!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay im 13, and i have ALWAYS been atheltic, but not a very good athlete beacause it seems as if my endurance is NEVERY building, i am ALWAYS short of breath, feel dizzy, and get whezing afterwards.

Almost always, i have these contitions.

i have always been in sports and im heathly so i dont think im just not "fit".

So what could be wrong with me?

I do sports like: swimming, Soccer, XC, and track.

but i suck at almost all of them cuz i have breathing troubles.

what can i doo?

How can i build my endurance?

I have 3 hours of soccer everyday this week, and run 3-4 times a week. but i cannot run for no longer than 15 min without heavy breathing/short of breath.




  1. i agree with the other person you might wanna see a doc...but other options you can try is to get better lung capacity, which seems to be your problem. to do that get a straw and cut it to where its about  2 inches and put it in your mouth and breathe deeply. another way is to breathe in deep for 4 sec. hold for 4 sec. then realease for 4 sec. just keep running and you will get it

  2. You should go see a Dr. it sounds like you may be suffering from sports/exercise induced asthma.  

    Patients usually present complaining of exercise-related respiratory symptoms. This complaint is much more common among children and younger athletes but can be seen at any age.

        * Symptoms during or following exercise include the following1, 3:


              o Chest tightness or pain

              o Cough

              o Shortness of breath

              o Wheezing

              o Underperformance or poor performance on the field of play

              o Fatigue

              o Prolonged recovery time

              o Gastrointestinal (GI) discomfort

  3. There's a number of issues that could be going on - you'd be best off seeing a doctor - but one thing I might suggest is taking a look at your diet. If you're not getting enough energy from good sources, you'll become tired very quickly... make sure you're getting enough protein (not too much fat with it! preferably fish, mushrooms, or poultry.) Also, good carbs will give you energy... whole wheat products are a must-have.

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