
My endurance really sucks!

by Guest65184  |  earlier

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Three weeks ago, I picked up running on the treadmill to get me in shape for the fall (I'm planning on rowing). I've been doing this every day, Mon-Fri.

It often happens that I haven't finished a mile and I feel really tired and am out of breath. I usually run at a 2.0 incline and 6.4 mph. I'm 5'1'' / 113 if it matters - am I possibly running at the wrong speed?

I'd like to actually finish a mile without having trouble - any tips on improving endurance?




  1. you should definitely run at a slower speed. this will allow you to run a longer distance. after running at that distance and speed for a while, it should become easier to you and then you can gradually increase distance and/or speed.

  2. Whenever i'm coming from the off season I go for distance first.  I find that on the treadmill i want to go straight into a full on sprint right after my warm up, maybe because i feel like i'm not getting anywhere.  Try taking it down a little bit maybe even get rid of the incline for at 3/4 of that mile then kick it up a notch.

  3. Run instead of doing a treadmill it helps you get in shape faster. To start off with run 3 miles at a easy comfortable pace. Do hill workouts once a week. Also this workout once a week. Run 3 minutes at a all out pace try to be consistent. Do 3 of them and see how far you go. You get a 3:45 minute rest. Before that work out do a 1 mile warm up and cool down. On the hill workouts run up the hill as fast as you can then going down just do a nice easy shuffle. In about 6-8 weeks run 5 miles on your easy run days. Run Mon-Sat. Run 6 miles on Saturday at a nice easy comfortable pace. Run 6 days a week. Take 1 day off to let your muscles recover and let your body rest.

  4. try lowering the speed. And slowly increasing it. In reality you'd never really be able to run at the same pace for like 15 minutes. so start off at a lower speed then increase it in the middle of your run then slowly decrease it until you finish the miles

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