
My enemy just lost a bet to me and know i can shave his eyebrows and hair however I want, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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This has really happened, and I hate this dude. What should I do to his hair and eyebrows, make it bad. he also has to wear it like this for 30 days, no hats or sunglasses. Thanks




  1. You should put a nice arch to his eyebrows its more feminine. Depending how long his hair is i would shave it and then shave a little shorter to make a picture like a flower or something way embarassing.

  2. If you really what to show him you should just let him be and he will feel bad about the fact you let him off and it will be better for you. If you shave his head you will end up feeling bad about it and it won't do you any good.

  3. hee-hee

    Shave off the front and top of his hair in a half circle...bald like an old man.  Hopefull he has hair long enough to comb over.

    Then, just shave off part of his eyebrows, leaving the parts closest to the nose...sort of so they look like little hitler mustaches.

    If you want to be merciful, tell him you won't shave the eyebrows if he shaves his legs.  :P

  4. If it's your enemy and you really don't like him.... then go 4 it!!

  5. Why do you have so much of enmity ! just let go. Leave the guy. Because, if you shave him, its gonna embarrass him and he is going to nurture it for the rest of his life.Try to put an end to ill feelings. If you forgive him, there are a lot of possibility for him to reconcile. Common, Life is short, enjoy it.

  6. don't do it its embaressing :(

  7. oh man you should so do it that would be halarious  .,,,

    shave 1 eyebrow and on the oppisite side shave half of his head!! like shave his head on the right side and shave the eyebrow on the left side :D

  8. OK this will be a good one, first you have to really hate this guy , i mean Hate this guy, and you cant feel guilty or anything. ill give it to you in steps of cruelty, and this might take a little longer than you'd expect.

    step1: uncomfortable chair, get one of those chairs from a doctors office, i mean hard as freakin cement.

    step 2: i know this is childish but you hate him so much why not, when your finally cutting his hair don't give him a towel or anything to wrap around himself, to catch the hairs before they get in his shirt.

    step 3: take a really Long time. this will give him time to think of how bad his hair is going to look, and it will make him uncomfortable with the hairs in his shirt. don't forget to say oops a lot, It will freak the c**p out of him.

    hair cutting time, now you may have some sort of funny idea but my personal favorite is the mullet and freakish uneven double cut. remember to only leave the back part but have it so the top-back part still has hairs popping up.

    now for the eyebrows, you want to shave them off half way so he cant give you a good dirty look when he sees his haircut., remember not to make them look cool, because you hate him.

    AND of course , don't forget to hide all your mirrors in your house so he has to wait to see himself, and so he has no chance to get angry and kill you while hes there.

    have a super amount of of fun.

  9. Forgiveness is the biggest humiliation to him....and you come out roses too!

  10. no its too cruel, have him clean your room its better

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