
My energy?

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When I moved into the place I'm currently living, the lightbulbs kept blowing when I'd switch a light on, it happened with ceiling lights and lamps. I got through about 30 light bulbs a year including the expensive halogen ones that are meant to last for ages. Then it stopped happening for about a year to 18 months. Then it started again. Then it occured to me that, when it was first happening I was reading books about Gordon Smith, Mia Dolan, Haunted houses and other similar books, I then went onto books about 2012, the Da Vinci Code and Harry potter and that was when the light bulbs stopped blowing. And then new Mia Dolan and Gordon Smith books came out and as soon as I started reading them the bulbs start blowing.

Does anyone know whats going on?




  1. You could ask your power company if they have an explanation. Maybe you're just getting too much voltage. Your power company can send someone to repair that.

    Or maybe you have some supernatural powers that surface whenever you read certain stories.

    My advise is to start reading novels about people who are very reach and successfull.

  2. wow

  3. it is an electricity problem,but i think you are trying to establish a cause for this problem as a result of reading certain kind of books,however i can not tell you that what you say is wrong,you should know why you said that,or why you are making this relation of your situation

  4. This may sound stupid, but have you thought that maybe you are reading haunted houses books at night and therefore using you're light bulbs more. Maybe you should just open your curtains and get some sunlight, good for the environment as well

  5. If it's a spirit, most clairvoyants will tell you that simply telling them to stop (out loud) will encourage them to stop. Whether or not you believe this, I don't know, but give it a try and see what happens.

    Most likely, you're getting power surges of some kind. Keep a log of the blowing bulbs, when, where, what type of bulb, how many watts, etc. Bring this information to the attention of the electric company.

    If all else fails, simply tell the "spirits" to stop, if there are any, they probably will.

    :) Hope this helps.

  6. I have not had the lights blow out, but I have had the street lights go out whenever I get under them, or anywhere in the general vacinity of them.

    Plus when I am driving I always hit the stop lights red. Especially when I am am thinking about them turning red. Am I somehow sabotaging the lights for them to turn red?

  7. Don't read Mia Dolan and Gordon Smith books anymore. Freaky.

  8. Most people will suggest your crazy or it is a spirit or ghost.

    It's none of them..It is you - your energy. We create with our

    thought, and your energy while reading these books increases or becomes heightened and vibrates faster. This

    effects the electricity in the house first before other things.. Do you not feel all hyped and exhilarated when reading about hunting's and ghosts as opposed to more inquiring and

    delving for understanding about 2012.?  If it were a haunting then it would occur at other times also.You are a sensitive and would do well to perfect your sensitivities in one of the

    energy modalities. Look for some metaphysical or new age

    stores and groups in your area or search the net and yahoo groups for them to expand your awareness.

  9. I just read this question and my computer blew up.

  10. its probably some coincidence and that your getting too much energy for the type of lightbulbs

  11. No but sounds interesting....

  12. Maybe your power circuit does not like your taste in books?

    As much as I have experienced strange things I think this is all down to coincidence.

    Maybe by the time it takes to read the books the lights blow.

    Expensive halogen bulbs don't last much longer than ordinary ones.

    You have to be rational about this; what else was happening when you read those books, how long did it take to read them?

  13. What's happening is that you should contact an electrician to come check out your fuse box. Lights blowing out is due to an electrical surge and has nothing to do with your "energy". There is nothing paranormal about it.

  14. Sounds like it has something to do with spirit to me.

  15. I believe that several things can be true at once. I see 3 areas which might be worth looking into/provide an answer

    Electrically, light bulbs wear out/blow quicker when given different voltage/current than they are designed for. These variations are called transients and can be caused by turning the bulb on/off, or large electrical motors turning on/off in your  local area. More transients mean the bulb will blow faster. EU regs state products for EU to specified for 230 Volts but UK is still at 240 V. Might (?) be a factor.

    Psychologically. You might be sensing a pattern where there isn't one. But you might be "using the light bulbs differently when reading these books. Are you flicking the switches differently, or using the lights for a different length of time?

    Other. Some people do just blow electrical stuff more than others, for no measurable/observable reason. It's surprisingly common for factories which assemble electronics to let otherwise brilliant workers go, because the components they're assembled do not work, and despite rigorous analysis of their work pattern etc they cannot identify/resolve where/why the fault is entering the component.

    Maybe, for whatever reason, you simply keep getting substandard ligh bulbs? You wouldn't know until the lightbulb blew.

    Some of these people learn to avoid these effects, only having a tendency to have light bulbs blow when they are unwell, or otherwise stressed. I've not read any of the books you mentioned, but maybe reading these books are interfering with the mechanisms you have which normally stops it happening. Only you can decided if that's a good or bad thing

  16. Now that you've been through all the unlikely explanations, have you contacted your electric company and asked them?  Maybe you are getting surges.

  17. ewwwww freaky! maybe it is a spirit :-O
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