
My english teacher?

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Okay, so my english teacher is really frustrating.. I mean she's just clueless and gives us huge projects that are impossible. And during the EOC she put in a movie! It was really distracting. And a lot of kids get frustrated with her and such.

But she put up this mural for us to draw on and write things to her and she was really excited and wanted to put it up in her new classroom next year. And today I found out that some kids wrote a bunch of comments like::

We'll miss you....NOT!

You were a horrible teacher!

I'm so glad this class is over h**l yeah!

And just mean things like that. Me and 2 of my friends didn't write that but we feel really bad about it because she took it down last night (she put it up yesterday) and she was going to have the rest of her classes sign it. My friend had her today and said she seemed really sad.

So what we wanted to do is make her another mural that had nice comments (even though we feel the same). But I didn't know if she would be




  1. I think that would be a good gesture.  Even if you don't like her as a teacher, you should respect her as a human being.  

    If my students did that to me, I would be devastated. Maybe you could ask people to sign it specifically and make sure they don't say mean things.

    I'm proud of you for having the courage to stand up against your classmates' rudeness.

  2. You're showing some kindness and compassion that some of your classmates clearly aren't showing.  I bet there are others in the class who feel the same way you do; at any rate, it would be a thoughtful thing for you to do.

  3. whether you do it or not she's still gonna know you guys dont like her.....
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