
My eviction grace period over doors are locked 2day how do get stuff back will it stay in trhe home?

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i had 5 days i plan on payin no matter what just waiting for my check in the mail which means im flat broke until then doors are being locked this morning and my things are still in there.i need 2 days and all thing will be moved the land lord refuses even if i pay for the extra days can he remove my belongings from the house? is my stuff ok? what is the procdure in this situation?




  1. Ok..what part of DEADLINE did you not understand?

    He can remove your belongings, charge you for THAT AND the removal.

    You obviously had money for internet service.

  2. You need to communicate your intentions with the landlord. He is obligated to keep your belongings safe. He may move them out-but if you tell him you will move them within the week, he will most likely give you that time since it is less hassle for him. Call him and ask. Document your conversation in a letter and send it certified. That should cover you.

  3. What happens varies by state.   In most your stuff will not be locked, but put into the street this morning.

    Some states require that the landlord store your junk for a month, but you have to pay them to get it back.    After that it is commonly auctioned off as a lot (from a storage unit).  

    As of this morning your rights to the apartment/house are zip, you can not get near it.   You are done.    They gave you 5 days (I think you are in CA) and when it is over it is over....there is no grace period after that.

  4. When the sheriff arrives, he brings a locksmith.  You have to get your stuff out right away.  Just outside the door.  Ask every neighbor if you can pay them to move your stuff in for 2 days.  If you pay in cash they will let you.  I did that for my neighbor ( she got it 1 month later but she was nice so i didn't mind). /

  5. If you are being evicted through a court order, your stuff will either be held in storage for 30 days or be put out on the depends on what state you live in.

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