
My ex, his tax return and owed child support?

by  |  earlier

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I live in VA and my loser ex - must be working because i am getting payments- so i figure since he is working on the books he should have filed a return, if he did he probably did it april 15th at the very last minute. he's possibly/ probably married and is in arrears $24,000 in child support to me. DCSE has informed me an intercept to his state and federal taxes is on file, and i am not nor have ever been on any state or federal programs. my question is can someone guesstimate or is there a way - legally - i can find out 1) if he indeed filed, 2)if there is a garnishment on it and if so how much and 3)when i should recieve it? **I do know his social but 1800.304.3107 says you can only inquire about your own and it records your number.**




  1. You can't really find out if he filed, and if he did, if he had a refund, until you either do or don't get some money from the intercept.  The phone number and internet site to inquire about refund status require not only the ss# but also the amount of the refund, so you couldn't get info that way.

  2. That is confidential information. You will have to wait.

  3. Just because your relationship didn't work out and your childrens relationship with there dad suffered because of it doesn't make him a loser.  But at least you will be getting the money now.  And it usually takes about 2-3 months for you to recieve any taxes that has been seized.

    Umm I did answer your question......It takes 2-3 months to recieve any seized taxes!!!

  4. They will figure all this out and let you know. Then they will collect it and send it to you.

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