
My ex's mom has been picking my daughter up the last 3 months and today was threatening me?

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So I really would rather her not pick my daughter up anymore. My ex can't make it on time during the week cos he works over. Today was threatening me and I just dont feel comfortable putting myself in a situation to be around her. She has hit me before and threatened to beat me up numerous times. The court order says ex is supposed to pick child up. Doesnt say anything about anyone else. When I drove in to take my daughter to her father's, they had all these papers (and had 2 cops there) saying they're from the Supreme Court and it says I have to let anyone Mike oks to pick her up. But my court order signed by the judge doesnt! So I just need to know if I have to let her go with the grandma and if anyone knows what papers they had. When I looked online all I found was the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines. (We live in Indiana) Help Please!




  1. Im not 100% sure, but if your paper states that only the father is too pick her up, and is signed by a judge, then there's nothing they can do about it.. Make a copy of the papers, and give them to your ex, and keep the originals, that way if you have any more trouble with the cops, then they can see for themselves what is written.. Also if your ex's mother threatens or hits you again, then report her...

  2. First off, I'm from Ohio, so the rules might be a little different in Indiana. When my husband got divorced, he got SEVERAL packets of the parenting times and such. I read it VERY thoroughly and remember reading that if you two don't get along, you can BOTH agree to someone else taking the child back and forth between the two of you for visitation, but it stresses that you both have to agree. If there is a problem with your ex sticking to the the visitation times specified, you need to go back to court to have the times changed so that he CAN pick them up after work for visitation. When you are in court, make sure to let the judge know that his mother has been the one picking the child up instead of him, and you do NOT feel comfortable having her around the child because she has threatened you and even become violent with you. You can actually put in the paperwork that you don't want her unattended with the child AT ALL, and the judge would more than likely accept that since she has violent tendencies. I know this is possible (at least in Ohio) because my husbands ex wife put in their divorce papers that I wasn't allowed unattended with their child-even though I had done NOTHING (she is actually the abusive one)! That was just her way of trying to split us up. And you do NOT have to let your child go with ANYONE but her father, PERIOD. I'm not sure what your ex or his mother told those police, or what papers they had, but I'm almost positive that it HAS to be him picking the child up, OR someone you can BOTH agree on. Good luck!

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