I have spoken to him once since I left (I made the call) during which he questioned paternity... (when he was the one cheating), threatened to take the child away from me.... (I am almost 7 months pregnant and he hasn't so much as lifted a finger to check on my or the child's health and welfare) and then mentioned he was going to take a lower paying job so he wouldn't have to pay child support. My demeanor was calm during the call and ultimately the coward hung up. Sadly, this was the man I was engaged to be married to. I thank God that my eyes were opened before I said I do. When he got caught the responsibilty to this child did not cease because he is embarrased, immature and self absorbed to assume any responsibility for the child he helped create. My first priority is my child and securing proper legal & financial assistance so that this child may be raised properly. Any suggestions on how I should go about getting custody and child support?