
My ex abused my daughter, hes being charged soon. Do you think he will lose custody?

by  |  earlier

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He received full custody due to the fact that I went to school and worked full-time. He has a history of abuse, Im afraid that the judge will do nothing to him. What do you think?




  1. If you have proof, he will loose custody. Doesn't mean you will get custody though.

  2. yes

  3. I certainly hope so!

    If he had a history of abuse, why did you let him have custody in the first and work are not excuses for endangering your children.

  4. i can tell you right now why the judge gave him custody!  its only cuz one reason right here.  HE WORKS FOR THE SHERIFFS OFFICE.  it doesnt matter what he does there.  once the courts see that they will back him up all the way.  my husbands ex wife is such a horrible mother to my step sons.  and she works for the sheriffs department.  u need to understand the courts and the cops they all work together. which means they all back eachother up.  his ex isnt a cop she just works for them.  that doesnt mean give up!  not at all!  take pictures of the bruises and see if ur kids can testify agaisnt this sicko.  do not let him win.  u never know how far this man will go.  i hope everything works out for u guys.  and good luck! i will pray for you guys.

  5. Why in the world did he have custody in the first place, especially if you knew he had a history of abuse. Sometimes school has to be put on the back burner or you need to make other arrangements (school part time). Leaving her with any person that you know could possibly harm her was not the best decision...I'm sure you know that now, or at least I hope you do. Now, he will hopefully not get custody of her...but now what are you going to do about school and work?  

  6. GOOD FOR YOU. live for those kids. NO he will not get them back. his history of abuse is documented both in writing and pictures so the evidence is to GREAT for him to get them back. GodBless

  7. Judges usually decide in the best interest of the child.  I cannot see a judge allowing a child to remain in an abusive situation.  If anything, I would imagine that visitation would be ordered, but that it will be supervised visitation.

  8. Pretty vague outline of the situation. What are you considering abuse is?  Discipline and spankings are not considered abuse. Telling a kid they can not have something is not considered abuse. Its very unlikely they gave him full custody because of school and work but that's your story. I think for the best of your daughter you guys should put your differences aside and quit hating each other and move on with life. The happier you both are the more normal your child will be.

  9. What kind of "abuse"?  If you think he will not have any repercussions I guess it was not real bad.  Hopefully he allows you see your daughter any time you want.  

  10. It would be beneficial for you to talk with a family law attorney about this situation.

  11. does she have a guardian ad lietem?

    if the local social services has anything to do with it, he will loose custody

  12. you don't automatically lose custody because you break the law, but he will be punished according to the severity.  then, someone will probably receive temporary/permanent custody.  you have to be sure to keep your nose clean right now and be ready for her, have her room ready and make arrangements for her care while you are at work/school.  if you do that, then you will be the best first choice.  if you have visitation, then you could certainly try to lawyer up and change the terms of visitation/custody rather than waiting for him to go to court, he can put that off, somewhat, his lawyer will be working a deal through the d.a.  you just got your foot in the door here, be wise and consult a professional.

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