
My ex and I ALWAYS have awkward eye contact?

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Whenever I'm at school and he passes me in the hall we always glare at each other. The other day in our pep ralley I was cheering and I smiled at my friend, and right behind her was my ex and he was looking right at me. Then he looked away. I was driving a convertible and he was walking to school and my friend said he was looking the whole time. Sometimes I also see him looking in the corner of my eye, But he never talks to me or texts me? What's going on? He was the one who hurt me?!




  1. You should text or talk to him.

    he probably feels the same way,

    but sounds too scared to talk to you.

    plus thats the only way youll know the truth...

    ask him yourself hes the only one who knows.

    just talk to him & ask why he keeps looking & never talks.

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