It's been 6 months since last weekend when I met her for dinner. Why now, after almost 8 long emails and begging her to speak with me she decides to reopen the door. her reasons for breaking up with me was because I was to distant, but I blame that on a new job and traveling for training. I can spend more time with her now, but I'm afraid that she is using me. She text me this morning saying that she wanted to hang out today. I texed her what she had in mind, and she responds with "food/music is what I want and it's your task to find it, I'm free after 3:30 ttyl". I haven't texed her yet but I plan on inviting her to mini golf and dinner at the beaches. I don't want to be friends with her and I'm to stupid to see if she has feelings for me, or is just using me. Advice please..... much thanks