
My ex and I are talking again but she is being overly aggressive. What's going on ?

by Guest32422  |  earlier

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It's been 6 months since last weekend when I met her for dinner. Why now, after almost 8 long emails and begging her to speak with me she decides to reopen the door. her reasons for breaking up with me was because I was to distant, but I blame that on a new job and traveling for training. I can spend more time with her now, but I'm afraid that she is using me. She text me this morning saying that she wanted to hang out today. I texed her what she had in mind, and she responds with "food/music is what I want and it's your task to find it, I'm free after 3:30 ttyl". I haven't texed her yet but I plan on inviting her to mini golf and dinner at the beaches. I don't want to be friends with her and I'm to stupid to see if she has feelings for me, or is just using me. Advice please..... much thanks




  1. well, don't be friends with  her....use her before she uses you.

  2. It's possible you are being used but I don't think so, I think she has realized that she has made a mistake and wants to get back together with you.  So your question should be, do you want this?

  3. Oh geez, another "let's get together with an ex" wuss of a man.  Dude, she's an ex.  F her.  This kind of mellow drama from a man makes me sick.  Grow a pair.  Move on with your life.

  4. she's your ex for a reason. i think you should move on.

  5. Probably because she thinks you got off the leash...

    God knows that's why mine calls.

  6. Advice, be happy you two broke up, and find somsone else thats WANTS YOU, where you don't have to 'beg' for her back.......

    Be a bit of a man

  7. sounds like she may be controlling and the fact that you are chosing to further your career more than wooing her with dinner and etc. she may be jealous. you need someone to be supportive of the choices that you make with your life and have the same ambition that you do. explain that to her and if she doesn't seem too interested then maybe you should concentrate on yourself and not trying to impress her and keep her satisfied.

  8. Well since you acted like you wanted her so bad she is going to take advantage of your strong feelings for her and use you and boss you. She wants you to basically be her B*tch

  9. she may want you back, but since she's the one who did the breaking up, she doesnt wanna make it look like she had "feelings and emotions" about it, and kinda hopes you will lead into all that because its like feeling defeated... she left you, and shes lonely without you, now she wants you back but doesnt want you to throw it in her face that she made the mistake and was wrong and all that stuff, basically not to point her flaws out. so now she's acting tougher, and a lil less sociable, to get where she needs to get you so things can fall into place the way she wants them to without getting blamed for the break up.

    some girls are like that, they want to be in control, then they dump you out of wild emotional c**p, then get bored, adn think d**n maybe i shouldnt have done that, then go on a lil crazy rant, and act like it didnt happen and try to play around it and be dominating to make it look like they are different now and you will want them back because they are somethin else.  its a big mess!

  10. She sounds a little wishy washy in my opinion. Especially judging from that text message. See how it goes, go on a few dates and if she's still giving out mixed signals... Oh h**l, just ask her how she feels, tell her how you feel and make a decision based on her response, you'll soon find out if she cares for you.

  11. It sounds like she does still want you in her life.  She could be using the aggressive tactic to dare you into action and prove how much you really want her in your life.  the decision is yours though--do you want her back as your gf or do you think the breakup was the better choice?  If you do want a relationship again than what are you prepared to do to solve the issues which caused the breakup in the first place?    

  12. She's an ex... start treating her like one...forget her and move on...

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