
My ex and I got back together and have been that way for 2 years. He is living in my house( I pay all the?

by  |  earlier

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bills since he got hurt on the job a year ago). I'm tired of his BS and never wanting to help with his children we have 4. He doesnt work doesnt help I want him gone what can I do?




  1. Try again to kick him out. Give him a few weeks to find a place. Call the cops if he refuses.  The house is in your name.  He has no right to be there if you want him gone.  He's a loser.

  2. Did you divorce and then remarry? If so, you will have to file papers again. You know the drill. If not, then kick him out.  

  3. It's pretty simple... definitely not rocket science.  You ask him to leave.  Find out what the laws are where you live to know whether you have to give him a notice or not, then let him know that you want him out.  If everything is in your name and you're paying it, I'm pretty certain you can have him evicted if you go through all the proper channels.  You can find out all you need to know by calling your local couthouse.  If you don't already have a custody agreement and visitation schedule, file for this through the courts.

  4. give him a 30 day notice, and at the end of those 30 days you can call the sheriff and they'll get him out

  5. Tell his mother.

  6. Kicked him out ??But still there ??

    Maybe you hav'nt kicked him in the right place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. If you're not married and the house is in your name alone,  legally evict the leach!!!

  8. you pack his s h i t up and tell him to get out.  If the home is yours (in your name) then you can have him removed, you may have to have police help, but you can do it.  and NO the police does not like getting involved.

    Just tell him you are not leaving, but he is....he can either go easy or you will call the police and have him removed.

  9. Move

    Just joking you are going to have to tell him that this is not working for you and that he should make other arrangements then kick his lazy *** to the curb

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