
My ex and I? why is my wife so bent out of shape over this?

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I bought her two dogs the first year I was married and she bought me a cell phone so she could talk to me without my wife needing knowledge off it, my wife don't trust me and that pisses me off. am I still seeing and in love with my ex thats my business...




  1. Because you're married! Are you dense? Then break things off with your wife and be with your ex!

  2. I think you know the answers to these questions!

    You're probably not one but this question makes you sound like an idiot! You seem to deserve a wife! That's really sad that you can't understand why your wife has low self esteem. She'll get it back when you start acting like a husband instead of a roommate!

    If the roles were reversed.... would you have a problem with your wife still seeing her handsome ex. or maybe if she went to his house often and took him out to eat. or maybe if your wife's ex bought her a cell phone to talk to her just so you the stupid husband wouldn't know about it. Would that bother you at all?

    You sound like a really selfish person and will probably end up with nobody in the end.

  3. Sounds like you are working getting your second ex.....  Are you really this well.... DUMB .... or is it an act?????

  4. if you are in love with your ex then leave your wife to be with the one you love. stop wasting your wife's time! she deserves better!

  5. If you still feel that way about your ex, why the f**k would you marry someone else? Selfish, disrespectful and not very loving. It is her business as you're her husband. I'd dump your sorry butt in a heartbeat and  I have no idea why your current wife is still with such a weeny.

  6. why excatly r u with ur wife? and no it is not ur business .she has every right to be angry.pls divorce and go back to ur ex!

  7. what are you talking about who bought you a cell phone your first wife or your second if it was your first then yes she has every right to be mad at you if you still love your first wife then you need to make up your dumb mind on who your going to be with you pig you

  8. why would you come on here and ask such a stupid question? you sound like a d**n caveman. i think you should tell your wife what a wanker you are and that she is better off alone. i cant believe there are 2 women out there that like you.

  9. Steve,

    You need to get right with GOD and stop being an adulterer.

  10. How could she trust you with you doing all this behind her back?

  11. You're married and are having relations with someone else.  I'll say that IS your wife's business and you need to talk to her about what's going on.  I can see why she doesn't trust you.  I wouldn't either.

  12. Why should your wife trust you if she knows you are cheating?

    Just leave your wife, she will be a lot better off.

  13. um, what you're doing is called infedelity. your wife definitely has a very good reason to not trust you, and it is her business (because she's your wife). when you get married, a good bit of your business becomes someone else's business. although, some people have open relationships. you just have to ask yourself, would you be okay with her having a secret relationship (just because it may/may not be sexual doesn't mean it's not a relationship) with someone without your knowledge?? If you wouldn't condone the same behavior from your wife, you should tell her the awful things you have done (and obviously have no remorse for) and allow her to find someone decent.

  14. idiot

    ur wife divorcing your selfish disgusting *** is her business too

    i hope she takes you through the ringer legally and emotionally, u deserve it  

  15. what you do...what ever is your your wife's business for you and her is ONE in the yes of law and men if not in the eyes of God.

  16. man you need to just pick one and cut that **** with the ex.. move on

  17. You are sneaking on your wife and she doesn't trust you pisses you off?  THE TRUTH HURTS???

    Your wife should leave you and pull your testicals through your wallet.

  18. again- are you joking?  Because this situation is NOT funny at all!  What's your business is your wife's business, you clarified that at "I DO"  Fix things wit your wife and forget your ex- notice, she's your EX!

  19. Honey, her problem is YOU!  You are NOT a grown man behaving the way you are with your ex....God, you act like a school boy who got his Nintendo taken away and is sneaking around to play a game without mommy noticing.  You and your ex deserve each other.  Your wife on the other hand deserves to have you out of her face!

  20. ITS her business because the poor thing is married to YOU Dumb sheet. She need to leave you so that she can find someone who loves and respects her you dork.  

  21. steve,

    I can't believe you posted this, Im not depressed I'm numb to all of this with cathy and you, it is rediculas and pointless to my marriage with you. Im tired of it all, you have no balls to discuss any of this with me like I expect my husband to do. I got the abortion because you are asking me to bring a child into a no where marriage and no way would I put a child in the middle of this ****. Go talk Cathy go make her your everything. their is nothing stoping you obviously... I don't need your bullshit anymore. YES I WANT A DIVORCE...NOT YOUR KIND OF SYMPATHY. their now the decission is made have a great life.

    your wife Renae...

    Sorry! to everyone here on the sight, thank you for all of your opinions and well anounced answeres.

    I hope Steve you obsorb them not with me but your next relationship, It might help...


  22. your wife is doing the correct thing.. if u like keeping a relationship and speaking often with your ex, then you should havenot married some one else.. anyone in your wife's place will do the same!!

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