
My ex asked me to marry him we have been separated for 3yrs & I am married?

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my ex & I have been friends for 15 yrs we dated for 5 have been separated for the last 3 & I am married to someone else. We have always been best friend he is like part of the family. I feel like he is a brother or cousin. when he found out this weekend my husband left he asked me to marry him. I love to be around him but the though of having s*x wit him is repulsive. how do I tell him that? I told him "I never want to get married again" when he asked




  1. I totally agree with Linda.

    As you value your friendship with him very much and you feel like he is now a brother or a cousin.  Tell him that the friendship has gone beyond that point and becomes so important to you that you are not willing to chance ever loosing or changing that connection.

    It's kind of keeping it to the core reason without hurting his feelings.

    Good Luck

  2. dont  change your answer! give him the old "its not you its me" speech

    let him firmly know that you no longer see him in" that way"but would like to keep your friendship going sometimes we get easily into things that are alot  harder to get out . for what reason it didnt work before probably is the same dont raise the dead  

  3. I agree tell him you value the friendship above all else. You would really not like to damage that relationship. Also let him know that your husband leaving is too new and you need a period to heal, before you can think about intimacy with another human being. Especially in the face of you deciding that you do not ever want to be married again. If he loves (as a friend) you he will respect your decision.

    True Friends are for life, sometimes husbands come and go.

  4. from what i can see you wish you could have a relationship with him but you do not see him in that way. i think that you should just be completely honest with him and tell him that you like him as a friend and that  you do not have any control over your feelings and you can not chose who you love. if you just tell him that you don't want to get married again he is just going to stick by you  hoping that you will change your mind.

  5. I would tell him your friendship is too important to you and you would not want to ruin that


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