
My ex b/f wants to hangout.. what should i do??

by  |  earlier

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i dated this kid about 8 months ago on and off and it just never seemed to work.. mostly because my parents don't want me dating.

well he wants to hangout this week sometime and go to his friends house.. who has a hot tub and just hangout there...

and there's like a 89% chance that something might happen between us if i decide to go.

i really do miss hanging out with him.. so should i go or not?




  1. hang him now next pl

  2. well considering the fact that your parents dont you dating would be kinda a bad idea to go.

    however, go with your heart..if you want to see if you still have something for each other then go. i would only do something if you really still care for him, not just cuz he's there, and hopefully he will treat you with the same respect.

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