
My ex-best-friend and her cousin are bullying me.?

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We're in high school. they did this before (2 months ago) so i just ignored them and stopped being friends with them. But soon, my ex-best-friend wanted to be friends again. I didn't want it at first, but i convinced myself that it's worth a try. But they started doing it again 2 days ago! I told them that i want them to leave me alone, and that I'm sick and tired of them bullying me. They bully me through msn. They're calling me a cow,pig,witch...sometimes they draw offensive drawings too. I just feel like hiding and never coming out. My new friend, who helped me get through it last time, is on holiday, and i have noone to talk to. I just wonna cry now. What should I do? :'(




  1. people like this arnt worth getting upset over hun. these people need to put people down to make themselves feel better and try to impress other people. they think its funny but it not. dont let them see its getting to you. be strong take a deep breath and ignore them. they are pathetic . i feel for you coz you sound like a really nice person. just remember you are worth a million times more than both of them put together. good luckxxx

  2. they are not worth knowing if u ask me

    jus tell them to leave you alone and never contact them again,i think they r jealous of u .that why they r behaving like this.make new friends and u will be alot happier and then they will realise that they hav lost u and will act good towards u.

    so dont worry and dont take it to heart.

    u will find better friends.u jus need to look for them.

  3. I HATE BULLIES WITH A PASSION!!!!!!!!  They are cowards. They are jealous awful people that need to be stopped. I feel so bad for you. kids can be so crewel to each other and I never understood that. Why would people want to be so mean to others. They must be really sad people. Pathetic. These bullies need to be put in their place as soon as possible even if your afraid to do this. But you must be brave and take that step. You will not only help yourself but you will probably help others who may be bullied by these cowards. And then to make it worse there's more then one bully. That's one of the reasons they are cowards and I'm sorry losers all the through. They are miserable people so they think that be being mean to others that would make them feel better. I was bullied by this girl in grade school ( I am now 38 years old but never forgot what she did to me ) anyways years later she came to me to apologize for her behavior. It doesn't stop the pain from the past but at least she recognized what she had done. My 15 year old daughter Kayla is bullied terribly in school by many kids. My child is " different " she has mental illnesses. She is weak so that's why these cowards ( I wish that I could call these so called people what I really want to call them, I'm so angry ) It has been a battle because her school refuses to except the fact that there is bullies in their school. Boy are they dumb hey. I've had to fight, fight, and fight and I will continue to fight for as long as I have to not only for my daughter but for ALL those who are being bullied. For heaven sakes kids have killed themselves because they were bullied so bad. My daughter wanted to kill herself to make the torture and agony go away. It shouldn't be this way. We all need to stand up and fight to get these bullies out of our schools out of our society to get them the help they need to let them see what they do to other people. They would be the first to go crying to someone because someone was bulling them. We need to stand up and make people listen no matter what it takes. You need to tell your parents or whoever that this is going on. You need to some how let the internet know what these jerks are doing to you so that they can hopefully stop this torture. Tell your teachers and principal and make them listen even if you get in trouble. Be strong and stand up for yourself and all the other victims of bulling. It won't be easy but you have to do it. If I could I would stand by your side and help you fight. I hope your parents will take you seriously and not blow it off or tell you to just ignore it. Ignoring it doesn't stop the problem. That's just a myth. I wish you all the luck in the world and I will be thinking about you. Stay safe and fight for your rights to be a happy teenager and enjoy high school.  

  4. Hey

    You are absolutley giving them exactly what they want, to make you feel really bad. Some people need to put others down to make themselves feel better, these people are the sad ones and Ive been through the exact same thing and I'll pass on the best advice for this s to give them the oppisite of the reaction that they are looking for. Everytime they say something bad about you start laughing as if it was a huge joke. They will soon realise that they are not hurting you and plus if they do this in public then laugh and say "come think of something better" It will embarass them. Hey never let any one make you feel down its their problem if they have a problem with you not yours. Im telling you just laugh and take no notice. I promise karma always strikes back!!!  

  5. I tell you what you should time they write you on msn, just tell them : Do you know what ? Feel free to write whatever it really doesnt bother me anymore, people like you are just SAD!Then block the contact and delete too. You HAVE TO show them that you are strong and that they can't get to you no matter what they do or say! Come on, KEEP YOUR HEAD UP, bullies are just sad individuals with no life and no brain either!

    good luck x

  6. just ignore them

    dont contact them ever a gain

    just ignore them and everything they ever tell u forget them

    why should u care and feel tired about that

    they are not your friends just some crazy guys wanna drive u mad if u dont they will get mad just think like that

  7. There are some people in this world who have to put down other people to feel good about themselves. Why not block them on msn or alteast warn them that, "you've had enough, and if they don't stop you will block them because you can't take it anymore". If you hide in the corner and never come out it just proves that you let them win, be stronger and walk around with your head up high (i know its hard but you gotta be strong for yourself). If you show that it's bothering you they will just continue, but if you act like it;s nothing, they'll feel stupid and stop bothering you.

    I hope you feel better, before you know it your friend will be back, and everything will be better, be strong till then, Good Luck:)

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