
My ex-bff is talking behind my back?

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this one girl used to be one of my bff's and i always thought something was going on with her, but i found out she has been talking behind my back and she is only trying to be better than me because shes so competitive in school. she even started saying she thinks im boy crazy (i only liked 1 guy ALOT and she dosnt really like guys that way yet) and that she is a soccer girl so we shouldn't be friends.

schools starting and im afraid because she is in my group of close friends. so i will have to eat lunch with her and stuff. i haven't told any of my other friends that i dont like her because i dont want 2 start a big dramatic mess. and in the past whenever we got in a fight it always ended with me saying sorry and her forgiving me, she never feels like she did something wrong.

so i dont want 2 be friends with her, but i am worried about having 2 sit with her at lunch and excetra. what should i do? i thought we were friends?




  1. ignore her...and just find more people to talk to at lunch.

  2. I know how you feel. When you get into an argument with somebody in your group of friends, it's hard because you will have to face them every day.

    The only thing I can think of for you to do is find some new friends. Or maybe tell somebody else in the group that you are mad at her because she was talking behind your back. Maybe they will take your side because she was a backstabber. If not, like I said, just find some new people to hang out with.

    That's what I did when I lost my friend.  

  3. dont worry about it just get some new friends

  4. just be cool. It doesn't matter if your best friends. just hang out you don't have to be super good friends sometimes if you're in a group it's not up to your feelings. just be cool and everything will be ok

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