
My ex-boyfriend broke up with me because of his mother. Should I try to get him back?

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My ex-boyfriend broke up with me because of his mother. Should I try to get him back?




  1. Guest32836

    Hi my boyfriend of a year and a bit broke-up with me. He had kept how he was feeling smothered (I also felt smothered at times to but we didn’t communicate this properly) and our relationship lacked the conversation piece because I am a quieter person. He said he felt pressured in social situations because I wouldn’t be the most outgoing person.  .  I very loved him. I need get him back and my last chance was love spell . Entered on the website, because I read that he has a lot of positive feedback. I’m not disappoint. My lover back to me in only one month. We are happy  couple now.


  2. Boyfriends, husbands, lovers, friends...they all come and go, but MOM will always be there. Why would you want to put yourself through that. In the longrun, it would cause friction between you and him, because he would be put in the position at some point to choose between you and his mother.

  3. no he should try to get you back

  4. It might be possible, but do you really want to be with someone who broke up with you because of their mother? He obviously is overly concerned with his mother and her approval, but if she does not like you there is not much you can do about it. Family is forever so why would you want to be with a guy and constantly have his mother making your life a living h**l. I have seen it many times and it does not seem interesting. If the guy really wanted to be with you he would have never broken up with you the first time.

  5. helll no!!! mothers boys are not worth getting mixed up with. the mother will always win!

  6. no...

    mothers have trouble letting their boys go.  all she would do is p**s you off so i say nah!!! no girl needs a momma's need one that momma let go of and that is yours to spoil now :D

  7. Only if you think he's worth trying for.I would never try to get back with someone who threw me away like yesterday's garbage.  

  8. Let him go. Why would you want to be with someone who lets himself get dictated by his Mother? You need someone who can make his own choices :o)

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