
My ex boyfriend has sent me threateing emails and text messages. i live in Japan what can I do. Lawyer help

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  1. I'm not honestly sure how the law works in japan but you may think about filing a report with the police and getting a restraining order out on this guy. That sounds very dangerous, and I would not set idly by  while this guy does these things to you. This could end very badly unless you do something. Take action now. Look up laws in japan, do as much research as you can. Think about relocation or turning him into the police before things get to far. Sorry to hear about what's going on with you. I hope you seek protection and do the right thing. So many people are abused and afraid for their lives because of abusive relationships or stalkish exes.

    Stay safe!

  2. This is your THIRD question about this!!!!!  STOP!!!!!

    After reading and answering your first question, I do not believe you. For one, you say you are a girl. Then why does it have "James" as you name? Let me guess, you know this person or they are letting you use there account.

    Secondly, why are you changing your story from your first question?

    You cannot do NOTHING. For one, you live in another Country and will not be coming to the USA for six months.

    Stop making up stories to get attention!!!!!

  3. If you are contmplating returning to the area that your ex is living in then keep a copy of the emails and go to a lawyer as soon as you hit the ground.  They will help you get a restraining order.  If you have a choice move and change your email so he can't find you.  While you are out of the country you can try to get the officers there to make a report for you but someone will have to see that you really are getting those messages.  He can threaten you all day long but you have to go to the touble of proving it.  

  4. Sign up his email for beastiality, big black g*y and g*y on line dating websites until he stops.  he may try to do the same to you, but you'll change your email by then.  THEN, when he changes his account you snap up his old account name and play being him for a while on those websites.  When that's accomplished you can then start looking for "matches" for him in his hometown (included his phone # to those who reeeeealy like him).  Think this as a way you are helping him move on from you......It' charity!  

    Oh yeah, forgot to tell you...if he suspects it's you... NEVER EVER admit it (no matter how satisfying).

    Not legal advice but why spend the $$ and have no fun?

  5. Change your email, change your phone number, or delete him. Take care.

  6. Feed him some bad Fugu...

  7. Change your emaill addy..short and sweet...also block him and report as spam.  

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