
My ex-boyfriend is being really mean to my friend?

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actually i have 2 problems but

1.i broke up with my bf and now hes being really mean to my friend.probably cuz i asked her to break up with him for me(which now i now that was mean of me and i shouldn't do that any more).my friend says he cusses at her and acts like she the reason we broke up (which she wasnt cuz he was kinda clingy and there just wasnt that spark u now)how can i get him to stop being mean to her but hes kinda ignores me.

2.i broke up with my boyfriend cuz we kinda rushed into the realationship and he always wanted my attention (i would sometimes fake laugh just to make him happy)but i told him it was cuz he was clingy that wasnt the only reason but it was the one we told now whenever im by him and his friend they talk about him being clingy then once he said oh (bfs name) your sooo clingy.then he must of told another girl cuz when she walked past me she said clingy clingy clingy clingy.

so pretty much im tired of all this drama and now that i did break up with him im kinda glad i did but how can i deal with this




  1. Well, just ignore him. Less attention -better.

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