
My ex boyfriend is fasely accused of rape?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so my ex who is 17 years old made out with a girl he thought was 15; but was actually 13. ANYWAYS, she told her parents they had s*x. Which isn't true. And her parents are freaking out and blaming him for rape. What could happen ?




  1. She'll have to get an exam and prove he had s*x with her.

  2. Where you there?  If not then really there is no way for you to know for sure what happened unfortunatly.  You can only take his word for it.  They will do a test on her to see if she was raped and they will need evidence against him in order to charge him.  If they can't find DNA proof or some other proof that he did it then he will not be charged.

  3. Well if I were her parents I would be freaking out too! Nobody wants to hear their 13 year old daughter tell them they had s*x with a 17 year old. Most likely he will go free unless there's evidence brought to the table.

  4. So he thought she was 15 and she was actually 13.  I have to say that thinking she was 15 does not entirey excuse his behaviour.

    I think that it is in society's interests that this monster be made to pay for his brutal crimes.

  5. well, what will probably happen they will do an exam to see if the girl still has her virginity if she does then that will take care of that. But if she doesn't then they could press charges and take it to court, if he can prove that he wasn't around her at the time that she says this happened with witnesses and all then it will most likely be dropped she will get in a lot of trouble for filing a false police report and he could follow up with a civil suit for court costs and also for the accusation since it damages his reputation. BUT..... if he can't prove that he wasn't around her at that time and its mostly he said she said type of thing, he would probably be convicted since a jury will look at the "Making out" thing and probably cause the question "Maybe he went further?" its not a good thing to have on a record at all, so if he slips passed this one then I hope he learnt his lesson about making out with random girls he don't know, a lot of girls lie about there age now and days.

  6. Well, if they never had s*x, she has no proof, BUT neither does he...So if it goes to court, it will be his word against hers and if shes a convincing lier, he could be in trouble...Are you 100% sure they didnt have s*x? If they did, and she saved her clothes, then he coud be in BIG trouble...

  7. He shouldnt be making out with people he hardly knows for one thing. He may get charged, as the older partner he should be more responsible in choosing who he "swaps spit" with. But on the other hand, they will check to her to see and they can tell if she was lying or not.

  8. Do you believe your boyfriend ?

    You were not there ?

    Do you trust your boyfriend ?

  9. Nothing extreme will happen with no evidence.  He'll get a bad reputation but that's about it.  My friend got accused of raping a w***e and he got kicked outta school because the girl said she was scared when she saw him in the hallway.  It's a bunch of bullshit.

  10. He'll just get a bad rep.  Unless they have evidence then he won't be convicted.  I suppose the school could make him transfer schools though....

  11. Are you so sure they didn't have s*x?  It can probably be tested.  Do you trust this guy 100%?

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