
My ex-boyfriends new girlfriend added me on myspace? ?

by  |  earlier

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For some reason she looks familiar but i notice everyones face that i've never met before. Now, me and my ex had a really rocky break up and he still texts me to just argue about why we broke up. So i added her to see who she was (her page was set to private) and i read her about me and it said she was going out with him. And i was thinking to myself, so thats probably why she added me..but then once i figured out i really didn't know her i deleted her so she wouldn't start drama with me. I've seen other answers that she might just want to get something out of me about him but if she wants that she can message me, she doesn't have to add me.

Was i right to delete her?

What do you think she wanted?

Only reason i ask that is because I'd be kind of embarrassed to add my boyfriends ex girlfriends.




  1. Don't worry you saved yourself from a lot of c**p and stuff. lol they just wanna suck up to you and the gossip. hope this helps. good luckk

  2. no

    you didn't do anything wrong

    i would have deleted the girlfriend also

    not because of jealousy but because i wouldn't want to be bothered

    plus the girl could read your page and start stuff

    nobody likes drama but you can always prevent it


  3. I woulda added her n if she n messaged her sayin wtf u want trick? Lol, nah i woulda added her tho n askd her wat made her add me. She was jus pickin so u could c her add me n kno they was datin. If me n my bf eva broke up n he got a new gf id b mad enuff already. But if she added me on myspace tryna pick n b smart?? Wed really have sum problems

  4. yeah you did the right thing, I just ignored my ex after she dumped me (she was the bad person) and I just ignored her afterwards knowing she wanted dramma, I like you hate drama and I would sujest getting a way to have ur ex stop texting you and you should just ingnror this crappe drama and stuff good jop :)

  5. yea just delete her.

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