
My ex finally admitted that she used me to hurt her ex girlfriend.should i slap her face?

by  |  earlier

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I've done my best..I've given my best to her and to our relationship in every best way i could possibly think of.

When we broke up..I asked her what's wrong and why we should break up...she didn't answer.I deserve to know the reason behind right? She doesn't want to talk about it but after some time she finally admitted that she used me to hurt her ex girlfriend...ouch!!! Should I slap her face? i asked myself....i dont know...i just want to move on and let it be..should I?




  1. You should kick her down the stairs.

    Seriously, that's time you can never get back.

  2. no just leave it and never talk to her again slap her and she could sue you

  3. She has prooved herself wat is she...

    and u proove yourself, just move on to other place, and start ur own happy life...........

  4. Don't lower yourself to her standard. Consider yourslef lucky you are free from her and keep your dignity. And especially don't hit her, that will get you into mucho trouble.

  5. SLAP THAT ***** ***!! WTF!!

    YOUR feelings are not a toy in HER hand!!

    if you need help just tell me, i'll grab her for you

  6. dont slap her - just get over her and find someone else.

    she could sue you if you slap her etc and you could be in for years depends how much the cow twists the story.

    just get over here,

    she'll get what she deserves sooner or later -

    what goes around comes around..

  7. i wouldnt stop at slapping. have you heard of something called sap gloves? wack her in the head while wearing those.

  8. Please don't be violent. Just be glad you're rid of her.

  9. Dont slap her and yes move on. If she comes back wantin to re-kindle stand firm and move on.  

  10. what?...and what are all these answers i read?don't be fouled girl.she wasted your time to hurt you at the end so do her a last favor,waste your time practicing some martial arts and later jet lee that b****

  11. Do what your heart tells you...

  12. Yeah, give her a good slap in the chops, then move on.

  13. Move on! Don't smack her! Duh! You did love her but hey hey hey there are more girls in that sea......Good luck

  14. dont waste your time on someone so sad and pathetic and horrible. your better than her, find someone you deserve

  15. A slap wont cut it some type of permanent scarring to remember you by but don't say I suggested it.

  16. Don't slap, just move on and don't let any bitterness from this relationship, spoil your next one.

  17. Slap? No.

    Drop kick? Yes!

  18. noo just cut her off and next time you see her give her the finger and call her a ********* it will make you feel better

  19. Ditch her and make her feel wat she has done wid u.These type of people are freaks.They deserve it.

  20. I think you should just move on.

    I think demanding a reason puts your partner in the position to make something up.

    Let it go.

    And make it permanent; get rid of all pics, all letters, and anything else that reminds you of her.

    Best of luck to you.

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