
My ex gf has a guy friend who visits her?

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I'm in a uncomfortable situation. I shared an apartment with my gf, but we broke up amicably and now we are jjust roommates and am patiently waiting for our lease to expire. on weekends, my gf likes to bring over a guy friend (so she claims) and they hang out in her room to watch movies. she treats him very well. how should i react? i'm not a vengeful person, and i don't want to bring up this subject to her because it's none of my business. right now, i'm back to being single. should i give them privacy by leaving the apartment? any suggestions please?




  1. If you have a long time to wait for the lease to expire then maybe the new guy can take over your part of the lease.  In any case, it's awkward for you and you probably want to go, go, go!!!

  2. You guys need to get the heck away from each other. That must be torture! Why don't you check into getting a smaller apartment? Sometimes the property managers work stuff out with you.

  3. Stop thinking about her and what shes doing so much. Concentrate on yourself, bring over some girl friends and have some fun. If you really want to make a statement, be friendly with the friends she brings over too. Thats a sign that you are really over her and you have a lot going on yourself. When the lease is over, get out.

  4. I agree with the others, get outta there. Don't try to be Will & Grace. I doubt you have the humour to pull it off =P

  5. I used to have a real fast Viper car and I would roll it out after midnight across the desert. Just go get a Viper and drive it in the desert, the moon really gets light out there so you won't have to go home too early.

  6. she's trying to make you jealous. you should leave the apartment as soon as u can! goodluck

  7. You are just roommates- so just leave it alone.  If you do any of the things 'dave' suggests- you could end up with a protection order against you.  That would reflect badly on you if a future employer checked court actions against you.  If it bothers you ask her if she wants to find someone to take over the few months left of your lease.

  8. You don' t have to leave the apartment: you live there and your ex girlfriend can go to this guy' s place if they ever get more intimate. Just don' t get involved into her private life, that' s all. You' ve got all my respect for dealing with this situation in such a mature way, I don' t think I would cope with it too well!

  9. You should offer to tag her together or start bringing your some women home......Like her sister or a close friend of hers.

  10. Well here is the issue: PEOPLE THAT USED TO DATE SHOULD NOT LIVE TOGETHER! This is something that never works out because of this exact issue. How do you entertain someone in the same space that you and an ex share? You need to sit down and talk with her about this. It seems to be plaguing you. Personally, I think that she should not have any males friends there out of respect for you. Ask her how she would feel if you brought a female friend over and did the same thing? One of you might want to think of moving once the lease is over because the situation is only going to  get stranger.

  11. She is playing games with you. Anyone with a grain of decency would not do this. I'd find the finest babe and do her right in the living room in front of the ex !

    In fact invite a Bunch of babes over and watch some p**n in the living room - eat all of her food,take the lid and seat off the john, set up parental controls on the cable so she can't watch anything, set up a password so she can't get on the puter, put baby oil in her shampoo.

    Turn off the hot water heater ( until you are ready to shower)make sure to turn it off after your done. Turn off the water main  -until you are ready to use it. She'll get sick of it and start taking her honey elsewhere.

    PS  These are only suggestions if you decide to cave in and get Otherwise hang tough.

  12. Umm, man that's very hard.  I don't know how in the world you do this!

    My advice is to get the h*** out of there, and get your own place before the lease is up.  Do you feel disrespected in any way?  I hope you don't let that bother you because it really reflects on her.

  13. It's possible that he may really be just a friend and that she simply wants his company at the moment.

    If she wanted you to give her some more privacy with him, she should have told you.  But I reckon it's probably innocent and she just likes hanging out with him.

  14. it's your apartment too...don't leave unless you want to.  look on the bright side...maybe a house will drop on her from the sky.

  15. get the h**l out of that apartment forever. before you end up getting an ulcer, a broken heart, and an alcohol addiction. no one should go through this kind of torture.

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