
My ex girl friend is 6 or 7 days late what are the chances of her being pregnant?

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i had s*x with a girl im 15 and it was 3 weeks to a month ago and it was unprotected and she is about 6 or 7 days late on her period and she is worried so much.... but my friends tell me alot of people miss there period. she is not sick or anything she tried out for field hockey and did fine as in not getting sick.... so what are the chances of her being pregnant..??




  1. I'm just going to assume the girl is 15 as well. Girls who are that young are usually very irregular, and their periods can be late or early all the time.

    Also, do you know what pre-*** is? Pre-*** is s***n that leaks out of the p***s before ejaculation, and happens without the man or woman knowing most of the time. This stuff is still potent enough to get someone pregnant, so that's why the "pull out method" fails so many times.

    It's possible you might have gotten a little precum in her, but from how you describe the s*x I think the chance is low.

    Just try to relax. Since she's a week late now, she'll be able to take a pregnancy test and get an accurate result. So why not go to a local Rite Aid or grocery store and buy one for her?  

  2. does she usually miss her period? or late more than 3 days? if it happened before, then maybe it would be less chance to get pregnant ... but if she usually on time, then the chance of getting pregnant is high .... Take a test!  

  3. If you didn't get it in, and you then "didn't bother" I assume you didn't c**? Therefore, no, she cannot be pregnant. Ask your parents about the birds and the bees before you do get some girl pregnant, and use condoms unless you want your thing to go spotty & fall off!  

  4. USE CONDOMS and then you wouldn't be worryine about it. I know condoms are not 100% reliable but they are a d**n lot more reliable than nothing. Plus, a baby could be the least of your worries - ever heard of STDs? If you feel at 15 that you are old enough to have s*x, then you should be old enough to get some common sense and act more responsibly.

  5. she needs to take a test

  6. Pretty good I'd say .....Dad

    Women have gotten pregnant w/o any penetration occurring at all so all you did was give your sperm cells an inch less to swim..but swim they will.

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