
My ex- girlfriend said I was the father of her child then said I wasnt and her now fiancee is, what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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I had been fathering the child for a year, he looks exactly like me, then she gets engaged and all of a sudden I'm not his dad. She says he is and that he had a paternity test BUT when I asked to get one for myself she contested.. So she must be lying?




  1. If there was a chance that I was the father, I would do everything in my power to prove, or disprove. I would see a lawyer, and set a custody case against her, this would NEED a paternity test which would be court ordered.

  2. You have to do what is best for the child.  Does the fiancee love the child?  Are you going to be in his life or not? If you are, then get a DNA test. Be prepared to pay support until he's 18, too, should they get married.  Then there will be legal bills if you sue for custody.

    Actually, it is important for the child to know who his father is. Medical histories of the families will be different. He needs to know if he's susceptible to diabetes, heart problems, etc. This is the argument to use with her to make sure she agrees to a test you can believe in.

  3. Push for DNA test.  The court will side with you.  Truth is in the blood.

    Some people are so selfish.  If you are that childs Daddy the child needs to know you as such.

    Kudos to you!  Some men would feel like they had been let off the hook.

  4. if you see the child i would take him for a test without her knowing or ask her out right that you want one if your on the birth certificate you can take her to court for one

  5. If you are not sure, order a paternity test. One can be done befor the baby is actually born during an amnio syntesis. If the baby is yours, you will have rights as a father.

  6. My dear Jb....

    You seem to be one of those RARE individuals, who are dedicated & responsible towards their "offspring", which I admire!!! More power to you!! We need  MORE  guys like you in this world!!!

    And YES, you should "fight" for your child...even if you have to seek "legal aid"...-and- have a paternity-test done to have the proof "black-on-white"!!! Ignore, what she claims, do what seems rightous for you & the child!!!!

    I wish you all the best for you & your child !!!Greetings from Germany... Annette***

  7. Obviously you love this child. Contact a father's rights organization in your area-- they may be able to help. I would also contact a lawyer (hire one yourself and seek a pro-bono one) who will be able to help you legally obtain a paternity test and legal visitation rights.

    Children need their Daddies. Don't give up.

  8. take her too court or the maury show.

  9. maybe the threat of a lawyer will be enough to get her to allow you to have testing done, if not then you will have to get a lawyer..

    do not let time pass though, I would get on it asap.

    sounds like you are better off away from her and the child will need your stability now more then ever.

    Good luck and God Bless.

  10. She's lying.  Get a paternity test, even if you have to take her to court to do it.

  11. You need to decide if you want to be in this child's life ... that means, your ex gf will get married some day. You will only have visitation rights, you will pay child support.

    Also at some point , you have moved on with your life, wife, children ....then the ex's marriage goes bad. The ex hubby finds out, it is not his child... who do you think they are going to come back on for child support??

    Get a paternity test done ...go to legal aid, they will help you get a court order, for one.

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