
My ex has agreed to sign over his parental rights what do i need to file to completethis in dallas tx??

by Guest57925  |  earlier

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This was an abusive relationship he has had 3 DWI's and his current wife in Ca has harassed me for 3 years via phone, mail internet, & email. I have hd to switch jobs and contacted the local authorities but they are unable to help b/c they live in CA and i'm here in dallas.We were never married and he has never paid child support for my children and he would not sn their birth certificate. Atty Gen just in the past month ordered for him to cover health ins. But now he threatened to quit his job if they hit him with child support.I am very afraid to send my kids 5 yo & 8 yo there to visit because of the harassment from his wife and the abuse i sustained in front of my eldest child years ago. I know it is not a safe enviroment based on the domestic violence issue between he and his wife. What can I do? lawyers are very expensive and unaffordable. He is saying he will give up his rights which i hope he follow through but would if he chanes his mind?




  1. Wow, what a terrible situation. I believe if he signs over his rights, he will not have to pay child support is that what you want? Now you say you have been harassed and he has never paid any child support to you, make sure you have solid proof, because this might come into play. Make sure there are no deposit receipt's, and the accusations you are making about their home environment being unsafe, because if they find out  you to be bending the truth, it may back fire. But, if he has told you that he is willing to sign over parental rights, why wouldn't he. Men will do anything to not have to pay. Look into it with a lawyer, I believe they give free consultation. Good luck!

  2. sweetie if you cant afford a lawyer than why not just leave him alone altogether. HAVE NO CONTACT with HIM and his WIFE. if he is not doing anything for them anyway just treat him as if he is not there. INVISIBLE. get a will stating who you want to care for them in the event that something happens to you and keep it moving. stop wasting you time and energy on this nut and his wife. and dont send you children to him. he and his sound like they are UNSTABLE MENTALLY and the kids do not need to be around there non sense. ignore him. if he cant communicate to you in a respectful and adult manner than dont have any communication with him. life is to short and those kids futures are to precious. GodBless

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