
My ex huband is using the courts as a form of harrassment, he continually is taking me to court,?

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he is in alaska i am in maryland he has a laywer and the original custodt case is in alaska. i feel like i have no options, i need help. i was a victim of domestic violence in this relationship.

i am representing myself but the judge doesnt even read any documentation i send.

please help me




  1. Get a lawyer.

    Women do this to men all the time (use the courts as a form of harassment) and people seem to have no problems when it goes that way.

  2. get profesional help read law books and counter sue his rear end.

  3. u must get a lawyer! look around on line there has to be some organization that helps women who are in or were in abusive relationships ...  and can provide either discounted or free representation . good luck

  4. Sounds like you don't have a choice but to get a lawyer. If no one is listening to you, you need a professional to make them listen. Lawyers are there for exactly this reason, and maybe if you hire one in Alaska, they can attend the hearings for you and let you know what's going on.

  5. Google the Judge and try to get a lawyer from the law firm that he worked for before he got to be his honor. Then he'll read your documentation.

  6. contact the dept of social services, and ask if they can give you the number for legal assistance. usually named legal aid.  if that fails contact the bar association and ask them to help you find someone.  if that fails contact domestic violence hot line.  do not give not stop using your telephone for assistance. feel free to call your congress rep and your legislative officials. the squeaky wheel gets oiled.  being a survivor  of domestic violence means you are strong,,,fight.

  7. Eve, you need to get you a lawyer! Hon, you can't go into court without good representation, or he will run all over you. Get a lawyer and good luck to you. I'll be praying that things work out for you.

  8. Want to b taken seriuously? Get a lawyer.

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