
My ex-husband got married and only new the girl less then a year.?

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I would be happy for him but they are just so rude and honestly mean. I have done nothing to get along with him and her regarding my ex and my kids. He told me that they were getting married because he has 2 kids and she has 2kids, what does this mean? Is that a good reason to get married? Do you have to get married so quick bc you have kids?




  1. It all depends if he's nice then ok, but I would say that is to early, if they believe there meant to be then they can wait to be positive. My mother did that (not with my dad) and they fight every week! I HATE HIM TOO!

  2. absolutely not.. in fact, i think when you have kids, all the more reason to take your time in new relationships... make sure everyone understands whats going on, the concept that dad or mom is dating someone knew, and what the future could hold (baby brothers and sisters and marriage and whatnot). thats why things are going ssssoooo  slowly forme and my man... we have ben together over a year, break up is not an option.. we're completely committed... but, he has 2 young kids.. he and his wife have been apart for 2 years, divorce for almost 1, and the youngest daughter, 5,  just figured out that mommy and daddy arent gonna live together again... even tho they know i am his girlfriend, and best friend, and they like me, and it has been explained to them that someday mom and dad would meet someone and they would have extended family, they still dont really get what it means to be a girlfriend.. i mean, think of your first boyfriend when you were in first grade? not quite the same as it is now.. so, i think its best to take things extra slowly when kids are involved... i think your best bet is to just try to raise your kids as best as you can while you have them, dont be ngative, but be supportive towards their needs/... good luck

  3. Maybe they feel that their children will be frustrated if they don't marry because the children need mom and dad as well. It is not a mistake.

  4. well maybe you shouldn't worry about since he's no longer your husband and he isn't nice to you anyway.  

  5. Its their life its their business. Keep out of it. You shouldn't even be focusing on his life now that your divorced. Other than your children, he is no longer of your concern. Move on !i

  6. Don't worry, they'll get divorced before you know it.  They were both obsessed with having an actual family but it won't last.  2nd marriages have a higher divorce rate than 1st marriages.

  7. nonononoooooooooooooooooooooooo

  8. You should probably stop worrying about that. Others lives have moved on... Now it's your turn. It's most likely for the best that you don't involve yourself with that.  

  9. You shouldn't care what the reason is for them getting married. He moved on, you should do the same.

  10. most divorce agreements state that you can't stay over night with someone of the opposite s*x unless you're married.  Maybe they wanted to be able to live together for the kids and money sake.  You're divorced from him ..he needs to be able to live his own life, it's not your decision anymore.

  11. You're not with him anymore, and you left your children with him.  This isn't any of your business, so butt out.  

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