
My ex-husband is g*y, I found out after we were married. When and by whom should our 3 year old son be told?

by Guest63469  |  earlier

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My ex-husband is g*y, I found out after we were married. When and by whom should our 3 year old son be told?




  1. I think his father should tell him, since it is an issue concerning his father.  I think that by the time he hits grade school, he needs to know the term g*y and homosexual and that his father is one.  No judgement should be passed to him either, whether it is ok or not ok, just it is a fact that his father is that way.  Poor kid.

  2. well i would tell him when he gets older cause hes just a baby and he wont understand very well and he dosent need that in his life right now any way

  3. You should educate him well and tell him homosexuality is not a bad thing as he grows up. And when he's over 10 years old, you could tell him.

  4. You and your husband should sit your child down and just be honest with him - I would wait a few more years. No one in my family is g*y, but my daughter came to me at the age of 7 and asked me what is a f a g (mouth hit the floor, so I explained to her that it was an ugly word and told her what the term was used for). So I would sit him down at about 5 years old and just tell him that Daddy has a different lifestyle and go from there. I would mostly let your ex do the talking and you just need to be there for support - for both of them.

  5. Are you guys getting divorced? If so when you explain that you could explain it to him. Or just leave it until daddy gets a boyfriend and then you could explain it to him. Or just any time now, if you think it's a time and he should know.

    Children tend to accept things pretty easily.


  6. scary

  7. Your son will ask questions when he is a little older and it should be the responsibility of your ex to answer those questions. Just don't talk c**p about your ex's sexuality to the child. I mean you have the right but that will interfere with the relationship between dad and child. Good Luck

  8. i think now. at three he will start to pick up things, especially if he is close to his father.

    I would first start just casually talking about how ppl have different relationships ie men and men, woman and woman etc

    get him used to the fact that these relationships are  normal too. I imagine he is used to man woman realtionships around him (friends family)

    try find a book i the library about g*y relationships to read to him.

    or put a movie that is ok for him to view and yourself watch it. he will be busy playing with his toys but kids pick up so much so easily.

    Then over time, once you think he is aware of these relationships, talk about his fathers relationships. he will understand more this way then just saying it to him one day.

  9. He is gonna find out at school.  You know how other kids parents talk.  I think you should do it together before he starts school just so he doesn't find out from someone else.

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