
My ex is giving up my son for adoption in colorado and i have 2 choices?

by  |  earlier

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Get a lawyer or let it go through and only get pictures and letters once a year i cant affored a lawyer right now does any one have any ideas




  1. You have to relinquish your parental rights before he can put your son up for adoption.  If you have already done so, then you might want to give him some other options, like putting the child into the care of a family member or into foster care until you are able to take him.  Good luck to you.

  2. She can't give up your son for adoption without your consent and you'd have to sign all your parental rights away for the adoption to be valid. Take that woman to court and get full custody of your son.

  3. both parents have a say . the other parent cannot adopt without your say.  as long a your name is on the birth certificate....   so dont worry just go for custody.. without knowing the full facts we  can only speculate on here ..

  4. Please don't let this happen!



    Adoptions Crossroads has nightly chats with adoptee and therapist Joe Soll.

    Someone at Origins-USA or Joe should be able to help.

    Your son needs to be raised with YOU.  Then you can sue HER for child support.

    Good Luck!

  5. Get a fricking lawyer fast.  Create a blog.  Make loud noises now.  You will never get your son back if you don't.  There are 15 cases right now that I know about fathers who want to raise their children.  You have to stand and fight fast and hard.

  6. isnt it a two way thing? both parents if in the childs life surely have a choice and if you want to keep him then why cant you just say you are prepared and want to bring him up? if your ex wants to give him up for adoption fine but you dont have to? Im from manchester so unsure of ur laws ect.... reply with more detail if you can xx

  7. If you able to get custody of your son, you might also consider trying to adopt your son's sibling out of the foster care system.

  8. If you're serious about being a father and can handle the emotional and financial responsibilities of parenthood I severely recommend  .

    Most lawyers are expensive and most states will not appoint you one at the tax payers' expenses. You can call up a lawyer (it's free!) for a consultation. They'll tell you what you can do and sometimes offer payment plans to clients if you decide to use their services, I doubt you'd be able to find one willing to work your case pro-bono.

    I'm not well versed on the way the law works regarding custody- but you have to SIGN YOUR RIGHTS AWAY. Did you do that? Is your name on their birth certificate as the biological father? Have you been paying child support? Has there been a paternity test? If there is nothing in writing stating you're the father you don't have a case.

    Chances are if you can't afford a lawyer, you cannot afford to raise a child. However, if this is just a temporary time when you don't have a lot of money than by all means research! A lot of times when they say they'll send pictures, they stop sending them. They'll also break contact because they want to establish a parental connection with the child and leave any biological parents out of the situation because it will only confuse the child.

    Good luck!

  9. you can get lawyer pay him monthly you can if you want.

  10. go to the court tell them your the father and get a D.N.A test to prove I don't think they can do it with out your concent.

  11. Even though you technically have to relinquish your parental rights, there have been a number of stories in the news lately about fathers whose rights have been circumvented so the child can be given up anyway.  These fathers have been involved in lengthy court battles to get their rights back.

    You live in Colorado, which does not have a putative father's registry.  This is a registry that men are required to sign if there's any possibility that they are the father of child that hasn't yet been born.  Without signing it, a father is considered to have given up his rights.  But, even though Colorado doesn't have one, some nearby states, like Utah, do.  A couple of the stories in the news involve men whose exes have gone to states with these registries in order to give birth.  Because the father hasn't signed the registry in the state where the child is born, he is considered to have given up his rights.  Of course, he had absolutely no idea she would go out of state behind his back to have the child.  This is how the law gets circumvented.  I do not know your ex, so I'm not saying she would do this.  I'm just telling you that it has happened.

    So, you should get some sort of legal counsel.  Here is a Website for low cost legal services in Colorado.

    I would strongly suggest making a phone call and letting them know your situation.  It would be well worth it if you want to be certain you can keep your child.


    Take Amy up on her offer to email her for some assistance.  She is very knowledgeable on this issue and cases similar to yours that are now in court.  Just focus on your son and go from there.

  12. let the boy go, it sounds like he needs a good home, you will always be his father, just keep in contact with his new adoptive parents, let them know if you move etc, in the future maybe you can have a relationship with him, for now let someone take care and love him, thats what he what is best for him...not you  good luck

  13. you don't need a lawyer. You simply have to object, and agree to take custody.

  14. YOu can take custody, unless your rights have been relinquished.  She may want a court battle though...

  15. Here are some of the things that will be considered if you seek custody:

    1. Have you paid child support for the last two years for his care even if not ordered to?  Do you have receipts?

    2. Did you register with Patermnity Registry when he was born or since?

    4.  Is your name on the birth certificate?

    If you are a stable and appropriate parent, and can raise him well permanently, then here is what you need to do:

    1.  Register with Paternity Registry in the state where he was born.  Then when the termination case comes before a judge, it will be earmarked and you will be sent notificaion.

    2. Send a registered letter to the courts that handle terminations/adoptions in the county where he was born (you will have to do your homework here).

    3.  Start gathering documentation:  Cleared criminal background check, cleared central registry (child abuse clearance) in your state, proof of stable employment, bank statements, letter from your landlord regarding stability, three references from people who know you well and long term (no relatives) who can speak to your character and stability, proof of medical insurance for your child and when it will go into effect.

    This will get you started anyway.  Once you find the right court, then present your letter seeking custody and a judge may appoint you an attorney to fight the case, but you will have to pay for paternity testing and a homestudy by a social worker to verify all the above and more.

    If by the time you have done all this and find the right judge, the baby has already been placed for adoption, then you will have to consider the best interest of the baby.  Sometimes these cases can take 1-2 years to get resolved.  (Many court hearings, lots of testimony and reports, etc.)  

    Good luck to you.

  16. Why would you need a lawyer?  You are the child's father.  You are entitled to rights being his father.  The right to be his father.  If you are paying child support then I don't understand why you have not been contacted.  This does not make any sense.  Things have changed over the years.  Adoption cannot take place unless both parents sign over their rights.

  17. You don't need to get a lawyer, you just have to object and afirm that you are the father.  They will always, unless the father is on drugs, give you the child if she wants to relinquish her rights.  Don't let her scare you, she knows it's working.  Just step up and take custody of your son, it really is that easy.  Good luck.

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